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Broken Promises and Phony Excuses!

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Broken Promises and Phony Excuses!
Who does Congress really work for?

Democrats said "Give us back the majority and we will give you health care, cut off war funding, bring our troops home, make it cost more to send jobs off shore than to keep them here, hold criminals accountable for their crimes no matter who they are, start a new era of openness and transparency in government, and more. We did! Then they said they couldn't do all that unless we gave them a bigger majority. We did. Then they said they couldn't do all that unless we gave them 60 votes to stop a filibuster. We did. Now they say that's not enough. They have to have more than a 2/3 majority because some of them will vote against us so they have to write a "bipartisan" bill even though they know Republicans do not want to fund anything other than war and their richest campaign donors and that any bill that is bipartisan will be no better than the profiteering we have now.

They need to just stop right now and let the people vote out all who work so hard to defeat any bill that would make life better for Americans. They've eliminated the safety net for those who lose their jobs, then took away the jobs that were left, destroyed the manufacturing base in the country by rewarding companies who took their jobs off shore, made it so that we don't have safe products, food, clothes or even toys for our children. And they couldn't care less about what happens to all the Americans whose lives have been ruined with the loss of their jobs, the loss of their homes, the loss of their LIVES because of losing health insurance along with their jobs, or because they couldn't afford insurance in the first place, and they blame us for the loss of those jobs while rewarding, again, the profiteers, and, by extension, themselves in the legalized bribery they participate in every day. What they do in accepting money for votes is bribery. No matter how many bills they pass to make it legal, that does not change what it is. That only gives them a free pass when they do it.

They never stopped one penny of war funding, continuing to insist on spending more billions for outdated war planes that will never be used, never worried about one penny that was spent on "contractors" whose work was so shoddy they electrocuted our troops, in their own showers, never held anyone accountable, covering up for them and making new laws to protect them instead, couldn't care less about deficits for war spending, not one word of complaint about the $750 million dollars spent for an "embassy" in Iraq, or hundreds of bases and thousands of buildings in Iraq, also so shoddily built as to make them uninhabitable for those they were meant to house, never held one person accountable, at least publicly, for supplying contaminated water to our troops while selling the fresh water to the highest bidders, making untold numbers of troops sick, and yet complain constantly that we the people don't DESERVE HEALTH CARE if it cuts down on the PROFIT MARGIN of the fat cat campaign donors. It's too expensive, they say. We can't AFFORD it, they say, and the DEMOCRATS say they need an even bigger majority if we expect them to get anything done, because they will bring no bill to the table for a vote without an absolute guarantee of passage first.

They need to just forget about a bill, for now. Drop it and give we the people time to get rid of all of those who work against the good of the people and their phony excuses. We know the score now! They spend millions of dollars to fill our ears with phony promises of which we believe just enough to get them elected and then it's business as usual. They've pulled the wool over the eyes of the suckers again, and proudly too.

They call Bernanke and Geithner and all the bankers, who have stolen billions and been promised trillions more, in for "hearings" where they sneer at and have nothing but CONTEMPT for the little questions, making it clear that they believe congress is just a bunch of ignorant buffoons who couldn't possibly understand what they do, the GODS OF WALL STREET. And congress members suck it all up, fawn all over them and give them whatever they want and they pass it around to each other and pat each other on the back and tell each other how bright they are and how they suckered congress again, but that's okay because congress will just take it from the fools who voted them into office to take our money and hand it over to the thieves of Wall Street, without so much as a penny having to be accounted for, even as they stand up in front of us and lie about what is really in the bill we are reading for ourselves, a bill that gives free reign for Wall Street Bankers to continue to ROB their customers and charge them for the privelage of handing over billions of dollars in bonuses we already paid for several times, then let those same crooks throw us into the streets. They are like a pack of rabid dogs. They seem all nicey nice when they're taking you in, but sooner or later they BITE.

Now they've got a year before they will need us again so they will go back to work for their real bosses until then. It's a crying shame that they have the notion that ONLY the corporations with the biggest bank accounts have the right to lobby congress and the little people will never be able to come up with the dollars to pay congress to work for us.

I've read the constitution and I don't believe that there is anywhere in there where it says "Anyone can lobby congress if they have millions of dollars to donate to a senator's or representatives campaign fund and cannot be heard if they don't or if they are doctors or nurses trying to be included in health care legislation that directly affects them or their patients, or if they are patients or that they deserve to be arrested instead of heard. I don't think I missed it. I believe the writers of the constitution had the opposite in mind when they wrote it. Congress members take an oath to uphold and protect the constitution but as soon as the words are out of their mouths, they turn their backs on the constitution because there is way too much in there they don't like. And the biggest of those is "promote the general Welfare".

They all hate that phrase and ignore it as much as they can, because what it means is that their JOB is to work for the betterment of all the American people, regardless of wealth or lack of wealth, political affiliation, religion, age, gender, etc., and they choose to work only for the betterment of those who already have more than they will need if they lived 500 years and for their own betterment, profiting from war, destruction, lies, misery, hopelessness, despair that they foist off on the rest of us, picking and choosing who they think deserve to live and die, based on their own "CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES" they pretend to have, and how much they are worth.

I have heard Republicans ideas on being "Christian" just lately making comments like Jesus wouldn't have the guts to protect this country, Republican governors refusing to accept their own taxpayers money to help those unemployed, through no fault of their own, because their "principals" demand that they let those people starve, that they allow those people and their children to become homeless, that they eliminate free school lunches on the presumption that hunger is good for children because HUNGER "motivates" children to work harder to be better people, and that the only reason people are losing their jobs and not finding new ones is because they "don't understand the NEED to work or why there even is a need to work" and I've heard Republicans in the past referring to all people without health insurance as "The great unwashed", making a mockery of the reference to "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" on the Statue of Liberty.

Well they are no better than WE are and they sure don't mind taking OUR money for their time working against US.

So just drop the "bipartisan CYA" excuses and next year we'll vote them OUT and go with someone ELSE. They can close third parties out of the debates, they can force challengers off the ballot of their own parties but they don't have the right to keep third parties off the national ballot and we don't need main stream media to promote people who will work for those who pay their salaries and are there every day instead of just at election time when they need us. Not any more. If we don't watch their million dollar ads they will cease to have any worth to.

Bipartisanship is a copout we can no longer afford to let them hide behind. We know who and what they really are now and we don't like what we see, and we don't like what we hear.

They've all been living in their own little bubble of wealth and privilege for so long they have no idea what real people have to contend with any longer. They can't even grasp the reality that millions don't even drive in this country. millions don't own homes, don't even have a chance in hell of ever owning a home, let alone 9 or 10 of them, don't own a jet plane or a yacht. They're all completely out of touch. They don't have it in them to understand that to millions of us $2.29 for a loaf of bread is out of our reach, yet they expect us to "go to the gym, work out, eat right, spend, spend, spend, stop making bad choices." They actually believe someone who's income is low enough to be eligible for food stamps can buy fresh fruits and vegetables, think that person can pay $10 and up for a CAB? I guess that's why they cut funding for public transportation all the time? And those on food stamps? People stand in line behind them and make rude comments if they buy themselves a treat once a month that that the food police don't approve of. Who gave them the right to judge?

Some of them have been up there, living on the taxpayers dime, on the "dole" if you like, and will for the rest of their lives, for 20, 30, 40 years, in those jobs they hate so much but don't want anyone else to have, insulting our postal workers, fire fighters, police officers, street departments, saying they don't really have jobs and don't really work. I dare them to try working as hard as these people do. Every congress person should be required to go out and pave a highway in 90 degree temperatures, there's no air conditioning in the street, go walking around a neighborhood in that same heat or in the pouring rain delivering the mail, real mail has to be hand delivered, not coming in on their computers in their cushy offices where their paid helpers read it for them, at least once before putting other people down as less important than they, in their $800 shoes and $3,000 suits. Normal people don't even get paid $3,000 in three months, certainly not on minimum wage, even it they work 60 hours a week. I bet they wouldn't last a DAY.

They don't know the difference between right and wrong any more. They just understand profit and loss, cooking the books to show losses based on a projection when there is really a profit, so they can avoid paying their own taxes and then allowing other peoples tax money to be passed out like candy at a parade as bonuses for their big donors who put those who paid the taxes, out on the street or increase the amount of interest they charge those very same people, and then take a percentage of that money back to boost the bottom lines of their personal campaign war, war, there's that word again, the only thing they really love,their war chests. Their be all and end all always comes back to their love affair with war.

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64 yr old mother of 2, grandma of 3. I believe that all commodities should be nationalized. All of the oil that is pumped in the U.S. comes from public lands. Therefore, all profits from that oil should belong to the citizens and NOT to a few (more...)
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