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Laura Nason

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64 yr old mother of 2, grandma of 3.
I believe that all commodities should be nationalized. All of the oil that is pumped in the U.S. comes from public lands. Therefore, all profits from that oil should belong to the citizens and NOT to a few corporate CEO's. That should have never happened.
I firmly believe we need a single payer health care system. It makes NO sense AT ALL to pay insurance companies to deny health care to people in need instead of paying the doctors who provide the care. It's time we gave doctors a fair shake. It sure won't make any difference how much health INSURANCE you have or can afford, if there are no doctors left to treat you.
I believe Dennis Kucinich should have been the presidential nominee and not Barack Obama and that the "leaders" of the Democratic Party were way out of line telling Hillary she had to get out.
I believe way too many of our politicians have sold out on their commitment to "Uphold and protect the Constitution" our founding fathers fought so hard for, in the name of profits for their biggest campaign donors and the next election. The American people have a RIGHT to know what our government is up to and to have a say in what our money is spent on. If our own leaders will not fight for what's right, our children and grandchildren are doomed to live in a third rate dictatorship where the ONLY free speech is MONEY and the only ones with a voice are those who have it and where WAR is forever and kidnapping, torture and crime is the norm of their existence.


OpEd News Member for 855 week(s) and 4 day(s)

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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 13, 2009
Broken Promises and Phony Excuses! How Congress works against the people in favor of the money and use hypocritical talking points to scare the people who still believe them.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 12, 2009
Broken Promises and Phony Excuses! We will have no representation in Congress unless they stop believing corporations are more valuable than people and PAID lobbying is stopped. PAID lobbying is bribery with a different name. It's not a prosecutable crime, but is moral crime when it is used at the cost of human lives. Congress is supposed to work for all the people, not just the richest and most generous campaing donors.
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 26, 2009
Health CARE and Health INSURANCE not interchangeable! Health Care and Health Insurance are NOT two sides of the same coin. There has to be a distinction.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 17, 2009
We Dared To Hope! Loss of hope! We believed in a promise that was never real. The Audacity!
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Worth Fighting For Isn't ANYTHING in this world worth fighting for? Not according to Nancy Pelosi.

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