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Cliff's Notes version of how our political parties have served America during the COVID-19 crisis

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Lew Weingarth
Message Lew Weingarth

Let's look at a "Cliff's Notes" version of how the USA handed this pandemic.

Executive version - the Republican Party has actively tried to infect 100%, willing to trade up to 12 million American lives and 50 million permanently damaged citizens as the acceptable cost of a solution that doesn't require any government action. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has hidden in their basements, telling everyone who will listen that it's "Republican Incompetence", not the Republican Solution, willing to trade American lives for political dominance. Neither political party appears to give a damn about the interests of Americans or America. They both point at each other as the reason they never, ever, provide the level of representation our taxation is supposed to provide.

Here is the chronological chain of events.

1. US Intelligence Agencies first reported the pandemic in November 2019, we know, to the President, but almost certainly Congress was also informed. The US government responded with - crickets. Well, not quite crickets; the Republican Party recalled our virus team working with the WHO in China because they were making uncomfortable noises. The Democrats made a few vague and mildly critical comments, then dropped it.

2. In December 2019, China and the WHO announced the pandemic, sequenced the genome, published it so any country could get ahead. A number of countries developed their own tests, and the WHO hired a German lab to produce millions of tests using CDC guidelines from the USA. The US government responded by dismantling the Bush/Obama pandemic-response team and throwing away their detailed manual explaining how to handle a pandemic. The Democrats made a few vague but mildly critical comments, then dropped it.

3. Also in December, China and the WHO explained that until a vaccine was developed, the only way to contain this extremely contagious virus was to separate the contagious from the general population. You had to test 100%, quarantine the contagious, and trace everyone they came in contact with, then the WHO offered FREE test kits, including shipping. A dozen or so countries followed that advice, many so well they limited deaths to under 100, and either never shut down their economy or only partially did for a short time. The US government responded by claiming WHO test kits "didn't work", but the former lobbyist in charge of our CDC didn't develop or acquire test kits. Interestingly, the company in Germany that developed the test kits had followed CDC guidelines and they clearly worked everywhere used. Germany and the WHO (and most countries) use virologists, not lobbyists, to handle viruses.

4. From December to right now, The US government has called this a Media Hoax, then a Chinese Hoax, then a Democratic Party Hoax, then back to Media Hoax again, then back to Chinese Hoax. The US government has blocked efforts by governors to get medical supplies, sold planeloads of US supplies overseas, seized orders by governors, and successfully blocked most attempts to stop the pandemic. Not to be outdone, the Democratic Party wrung their hands and moaned quietly, while concentrating on helping them fail spectacularly in a naked bid to trade American lives for political power.

The problem BOTH wings of organized crime face is that Americans are WAKING UP. We noticed that 4 years ago 100% of the Republican Party and 98% of the Democratic Party were corrupt. We elected a BUNCH of "Justice Democrats" (politicians sworn not to accept bribes other than an hour or two of pay from individuals). We now have 40% of the Democratic Party who are NOT corrupt. Hopefully, the Republicans, who after all CREATED the Progressive Caucus in the 1950s, will also begin electing non-corrupt politicians to represent what the citizens want, but of course recommending a different method to achieve the same goals.

The Democratic leadership appear to be teaming up with the Republican Party to make sure Trump wins. Biden is Trump's dream come true, by demotivating 2/3rds of Democratic voters. Many will stay home when told "you must vote against Trump", rather than presented with someone they want to vote FOR. Frankly, I'm tired of being told to vote against the other side, by BOTH wings of organized crime.

80% of Americans, when presented with the goals of Bernie Sanders, without mentioning his name, AGREE, yet don't agree when told they are Bernie's goals. It clearly means that while most of us LOVE his goals, which of course are OUR goals. most of us don't like his methods. Why can't we have "traditional" R's and D's offering THEIR methods to achieve the same goals? We truly do want government that represents us. Much of the anti-taxation philosophy of many Americans is really "no taxation without representation". Citizens are mostly OK with taxes spent on citizens.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party, over almost zero resistance from the Democratic Party, has been able to achieve their goal of spreading the pandemic past the point where we could hope to stop it without a vaccine. Present numbers suggest if people "go back to normal", it will burn out by mid August with up to 7 million dead. Even the Republican Party can't suppress that many deaths, and even the densest American would notice, so what will happen instead is we will be going in and out of shutdown until the election. When thousands a day are STILL dying and the economy is STILL in the toilet, Americans might decide to vote against Trump. How sad the D's didn't realize if they fought for us instead of against Trump, they would have gotten 80% of the vote.

I say it's time to make political parties ILLEGAL. Let's choose these people by school grades, lottery, and exclude anyone with a law degree.

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Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with MBA training in international business. 35 years working all over the world. Expert in power plants, energy, oil. I have been to about 150 countries total, spent at least a week in about 110, (more...)

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Cliff's Notes version of how our political parties have served America during the COVID-19 crisis

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