All my life, I've seen programs designed to address the effects of racism achieve partial success, from affirmative action to minority scholarships. These programs help individuals, which is needed, but I don't believe [they] can ever solve racism, simply because they address symptoms rather than the root cause.
Racism is a ridiculous concept, opposite to reality, and impossible for anyone who is well educated to accept.
To exist, racism requires fear of a minority among a poorly educated majority [to be easily fooled into unjustified terror]. You don't need 100% participation. The Arab Spring showed us that a very dedicated 5% of a population is enough, with sufficient silent support. Silent opposition is taken as silent support.
Racists have always feared educated minorities, because minorities often produce highly motivated out-performers. When society practiced segregation by racial construct, they were able to take out their fear on minorities directly. Today, they have destroyed ALL public education to prevent minority kids from getting a good education, and are just fine doing so because this also creates five times as many poorly educated majority kids as minority kids, creating the next generation of racists and doubling their perceived "victory".
To end racism, we need to fix education for EVERYONE. I know from visiting 150 countries that a well-educated society doesn't have major problems with racism. Racists still exist, but rarely come out from under their rocks.
Another solution I once read in a sci-fi book would also work. Dredge up those old skin-color charts and make it illegal to have sex with anyone within three "shades". In two generations nobody could figure out whom to hate.