Wherever your personal sympathies lie in the present conflict between Russia and Georgia, doesn't it just blow your mind when members of the Bush administration can say something so glaringly hypocritical that it literally takes your breath away, and have absolutely no clue how it sounds coming out of their mouths?
Condi Rice is probably the most intelligent person in the entire Dubya cabal. Yet these words actually passed her lips in yesterday's press conference:
"This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia, where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it. Things have changed."
Really. She really said that. With a straight face. Like she had never in her life heard of a place called Iraq.
That's okay. Condi's smart. She was just tired, she's allowed a little slip every now and then. Surely it was just a m---
"I have heard the Russian president say that his military operations are over. I am saying it is time for the Russian president to be true to his word."
Nope. Not a mistake. Nobody could be that tired. How could anyone possibly forget the day her boss stood on an aircraft carrier with a huge backdrop reading "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" and told the world that major combat operations in Iraq were over? That was five years ago. That was a trillion dollars ago. That was 4,000 American lives ago. A million dead Iraqis ago.
American exceptionalism. Arrogant cognitive dissonance. Shameful shamelessness.
And if you're wondering how the 20% of Americans who still believe George W. Bush will go down in history as a great president feel about the situation, this comment from the right-wing blog, Gateway Pundit, pretty much sums it up:
- Solaratov said: So, in other words, Russia is telling the US that we'd better get with THEIR program and do it THEIR way - if we expect to have any dealings with them in the future. They have as much as told us and the world that they're going to do whatever they want and there isn't a thing we dare do about it. In fact, the Russians said the "Georgian Army learned to run away" from the Americans. I hope to God that we have a couple of F-15's escorting our relief flights (loaded w/Stingers and Javelins) and the Russian air force tries to stop us. That would be just too good for words! When a third-rate air force like theirs tries to stop our planes, they're going to get a whole new lesson in humility. Of course, we won't do anything, and the Russians will continue to insult us and intimidate the rest of the world - but it's nice to dream - once in a while - that our leaders actually possess a pair of balls.
Yeah. Too good for words. A world-wide nuclear holocaust sure would teach those Russians a whole new lesson in humility. Won't happen 'cause of all those damn libruls, but we can dream, can't we?
This is today's Republican party, people. This is a John McCain presidency. Endless war until the wars end us.
I don't care if you have to get drunk and hold your nose to make yourself vote for Obama. Do it.
By JC Garrett