Cross-posted from Mike Malloy
The Supreme Court today opened the door to an absolute tornado of coming petitions to block a woman's right to obtain contraception and other female health applications under the Affordable Care Act.
The Court's feeble attempt to limit this decision to a certain subset of corporations is worse than a joke. This is precedent that will -- is being -- celebrated by Christian Fundamentalists as one more victory on the way to legal female subjugation.
The decision has moved forward the Christian Right's determination to place women back under the same restrictions, prohibitions, and denial of human rights as the other two Abrahamic religions already have in place. In all three, women are secondary; property is subject to male rule. The decision was not a surprise given the Court's Catholic majority that is both authoritarian and patriarchal by definition.
Ironically, with yet another legal declaration that the Christian Mythology is the dominant mythology (now, even where it concerns the gut-level workings of Capitalism) the Christian Right's howling of their ongoing persecution will only intensify.
Marcia D. Greenberger, of the National Women's Law Center, said, "This is one more hurdle the Supreme Court has allowed to be put into place on a most basic part of health care for women that most women in this country assumed they could rely upon and now must fight for."
Of course, where it concerns health care coverage there is a very simple and effective way to end this ridiculous religious intrusion into the privacy of all of us -- not just women: Single Payer Health Insurance.