Hillary Clinton represents the new face and policies of the neo-liberal Democratic Party of war hawks supported by hidden oligarchs. She is the established status quo and should cause the deepest fear and concern of Americans of all political persuasions.
A lot has changed since the 1960's when the Democratic Party was chock full of anti-war activists. Who would have imagined that fifty years later the Democratic Party would become the War Hawk Party, starting more wars than any party at any time in American history? It does not end there. The Democrats are also amassing quite a record of overthrowing legitimately elected democratic governments around the world (reference Honduras and Ukraine).
Hillary can take full credit for overthrowing these democratically elected and very popular governments. Apart from the other neo-liberal and right wing policies Democrats have adopted in the past 24 years (which are staggering). Their record on war alone would make past great Democrats, such as John Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Franklin Roosevelt do head spins in their graves. For obvious reasons the oligarch controlled media has given the Democratic Party a free pass in conducting overseas wars that only benefit oligarchs.
The only recognition Obama received from internationally renowned institutions that pertains to war was the Nobel Peace Prize. That this previously revered organization chose to lose all credibility in one act, giving Obama a Nobel Peace Prize in October 2009, before he showed himself to be a diehard war hawk, is clear reflection of the bankruptcy of the Nobel Committee, as well as the power and control of the oligarchs. The prize can only be seen as pandering to the global oligarchs who are attempting to control the world through force including proxy wars, use of terrorist organizations and drone bombing campaigns, among others.
Subsequent to the "Prize", Obama started wars in no less than seven Middle East nations. Now the Obama regime is getting prepared to start a nuclear war with Russia. (HERE) . Backed into a corner and doing everything possible to avoid conflict, Russia is not the aggressor as Washington and the oligarch media claim. Quite the contrary, Russia has been lobbying for a greater peace and renewal of the nuclear non-proliferation agreement. All the while, the US is amassing troops and nuclear weapons on Russia's door step and borders. When Russia responds with protection forces inside its own country and along its own border, the US calls this aggressive behavior that will justify a military attack. Oddly we see no Russian bases lining our borders with Mexico and Canada. That fact is utterly ignored by the oligarch media.
As we approach the Presidential elections this year we are reminded of past elections and the 'lesser of two evils' argument that has been foisted on us in the past by liberals and their mouthpieces, such as MoveOn.org. We are consistently told that we must vote for Democrats because they are less evil than the Republicans. As predicted by many voices that were shouted down by liberals, the lesser of two evils concept has led to the greatest security risk that has faced the entire world in modern times, not to mention the total destruction of the middle class and massive unemployment and homelessness. The lesser of two evils has unleashed a virtual Pandora's Box of evil.
Today the paradigm has shifted. Although in the past I have consistently preached against the fallacy of the lesser of two evils, this election year I wholeheartedly support it. We have two possible choices that are less evil than Hillary. The first would be the Green Party's Dr. Jill Stein, the obvious choice for all self-respecting true progressives. The second choice, in spite of all the roar and din of the liberal elite, would be Trump.
Yes, Donald trump is (maybe) far less likely to push the 'button' than Hillary. Even if he builds a stupid wall, that activity will not start wars around the world nor will it overthrow freely elected governments, not to mention kill and displace innocent people. Moreover, Hillary will continue without equivocation the Obama-Oligarch directed policy has led us to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia.
The build up to nuclear war has been largely censored in the US, as has been most important news stories. Most liberals do not take the time to read international news and stay aware of global events. They prefer the lazy way out; calling their opponents names and clamoring for the War Hawk Party, completely blind to the danger of global destruction. Make no mistake, Hillary is more likely to trigger a nuclear war than any other possible President. She will also unquestionably extend the disastrous foreign policy of the oligarchs by destabilizing yet more nations, causing yet more refugees and overthrowing more freely elected democratic governments. In her sights now are Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
More and more progressive writers are recognizing that even Trump (the potentially racist right wing demagogue) is a better and safer choice than the crazed Hillary Clinton (HERE). The chances of more wars under Trump are very small indeed. The chances of a nuclear war under Trump are virtually non-existent. Trump respects Putin as should all world leaders. If anyone deserves the Nobel Peace Prize it would be Putin, not Obama. Also Trump was decidedly against going into Iraq.
Hillary's record includes disastrous foreign policies that have contributed greatly to the record number of refugees and displaced peoples, over 65 million this year, more than after WWII (HERE). She can take responsibility for the death and torture of countless innocent women and children in Honduras, Ukraine, Libya and the Middle East. She will attempt to overthrow at least three more democratically elected governments in South America, all at the behest of the oligarchs and in order to facilitate the rape of those countries' resources, just like she did in Honduras. No one who complains or points out her criminal actions is safe in those countries, witness the case of Berta Caceres (HERE). Poor and helpless people all over the world are in extreme danger if Hillary is elected. Hillary and Bill have taken 'donations' into their personal slush funds from foreign despots and dictators totaling over a hundred million dollars. In exchange they have done the bidding of their sponsors that has cost Americans billions. For whom does Hillary really work? Not middle class Americans, that is for sure.
Can we possibly afford a madwoman in the Oval Office who has no restraint when it comes to war, hegemony and raping the poorest defenseless people of this world? She is a veritable wolf in sheep's clothing; hiding behind and abusing such liberal concepts as women's rights. Hillary is a dyed-in-the-wool right winger, war mongering hawk, anti-democratic, pro-oligarch, pro Wall Street, New World Order shill. Who cares if a woman is elected if she behaves worse than any male President in history? Is Hillary truly what women in the US want as their legacy for the first woman President, a child murderer and anti-democratic demagogue? (I can already hear the liberal elite screaming like stuck pigs upon reading this. What a bunch of phony liberals driving their SUV's and supporting global domination.)
The bad news is no matter what the American people choose, no matter how they vote, the oligarchs will count the votes in secret and announce the results that assure their choice for President.