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General News    H3'ed 7/20/20

Democrats for Trump

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   4 comments

Lew Weingarth
Message Lew Weingarth

I see an amazing number of Democrats for Trump. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, pretty much the entire leadership of the party are working hard to retain Trump. Their plan is subtle, simply oppose what Americans favor, while calling the world's greatest name-caller names. Three short examples.

More than 80% of Americans want pot legalized, and legalizing pot is a GREAT way to defund for-profit prisons and created significant tax revenue at the state level, resulting in representation in return for taxation, plus lowering federal leverage, yet Biden and the Democratic Party leadership OPPOSE legalizing pot.

Most Americans want police departments to not only stop protecting serial killers and psychopaths on the force, but FIRE THEM and replace forcing citizens to fund liability for their violence with having cops buy their own liability insurance - because INSURANCE companies would AUTOMATICALLY reject the monsters. Most Americans know police departments can't do this themselves for political reasons, so we have to take outside action. Biden and the Democratic Party leadership OPPOSE revamping policing in America.

Americans want the House to IMPEACH THESE CRIMINALS, not make excuses why not, yet Biden and the Democratic Party leadership CONTINUE to make excuses.

The DNC knows that opposing what Americans want and just calling the monsters monsters is the best chance Trump has. Now watch them select another right winger to run with Biden, in case there are voters they haven't driven off. Why are they throwing the election?

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Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with MBA training in international business. 35 years working all over the world. Expert in power plants, energy, oil. I have been to about 150 countries total, spent at least a week in about 110, (more...)

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