Suffice it to say, Alex did not have good news for us. The worst isn't even close to being over, and as everyone who watches The Matrix News and utilizes our website knows, this bailout is not a bailout for us, the people. The banks are holding onto the money that WE the taxpayers have given them and passing it onto their buddies in other banks. The Federal Reserve (which remember, is a private corporation and admitted that position by refusing a FOIA request to reveal who is getting the money) simply printed more money, which is nothing more than debt for the American people, because the United States government basically created more bonds that we have to re-pay. With interest.
So, we the people got stuck with at least 700 billion more debt while the bankers and the insurance companies get to go on cool spa weekends to "discuss strategy". Give me a break.
I can't stress enough how important it is for everyone to get a handle on this. You really need to understand what was done to us with this bailout. (Which Barack Obama, by the way, pushed hard to have passed!) Once you understand the way and the why, I truly believe you will understand why it's so important for each and every one of us to get involved in movements that will dismantle the Federal Reserve and the World Bank and relieve all of us of this burden of debt created by the banksters who want us all to be nothing more than their slaves.
Alex might not be too crazy about me posting this all over the internet, because he's sure to be inundated, but he offered to talk with all of you any time, and to send you free information. Take him up on it. The DVD alone is worth the time to make a call. You can find his website and phone number on the front page of our website.
So - that's the bad news. We're up to our eyeballs in debt that can never be repaid. We're locked into a system of government that is fascist (When big corporations and government are all the same, that's fascism. Either governments run the corporations, or the corporations run the government, doesn't matter. But that is certainly the case pretty well everywhere on the planet.) The military-industrial complex, the pharmaceutical industry, the oil companies - they are running not just the U.S., but the world, and it has got to stop.
That's why we invited Byron Belitsos on the show. Byron is on the board of directors of the Democratic World Federalists, an organization founded to create a truly democratic world government, one that is not in place to punish whole nations for the actions of its leaders, but one that would insure human rights and peace.
Wow. What a concept. Peace. A world parliament founded not by bankers and industrialists, but by the people. It sounds too good to be true, and even Byron admits that it will probably take a catclysm of some kind - financial or a world war - that will open the eyes of enough people that they will see the current system will not, cannot work.
We live in a world ruled by money. Those who have the most money make all the rules. That leaves out 98 per cent of the population. Why should that be? Why should we not have a say in how the resources of the planet are used? Why should we not have equal rights for women, children, all the races, all the religions?
It doesn't mean we have to give up our sovereignty, it means we have to get rid of the money system, and the war economy, and govern in accordance with a Bill of Rights and a Constitution that would insure that grievances are dealt with in a truly impartial legal system.
Is it pie in the sky? Perhaps. But what we have is NOT working. Too many people are suffering. Too many wars are being fought. More than 40 wars since the end of World War Two. What's with that? I thought the United Nations was created to stop this. But they can't, because they have no power to bring to justice the individuals who create the wars and the genocide and the destruction of natural resources. Rather than punishing an individual war criminal, like Hussein, they can only impose sanctions on a whole nation. What did those people do wrong? Depriving them of food and medicine only foments more troubles.
We the people of the world have to get together. We the people of the world have got to stop joining armies. We the people of the world must stand up and say, "No, we're not going to play your money game any more."
How can we achieve this? There are a couple of good ideas, and they are not mutually exclusive. Besides Byron's website, which is there is also a movement started by the creators of Zeitgeist. A new Zeitgeist movie is now available, and near the end, another solution with very practical steps is offered. I believe that if we took the steps recommended in, and created the One World Democracy, we could be handing to our children a much, much better world.
Please, pass this on to everyone you know. Go to these websites. Get involved. You can't wait for someone else to do it.