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Doctors Giving Babies Aspartame! FDA knew before Rumsfeld's Forced Approval that It Triggered Seizures and Death

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Note from Dr. Betty Martini for the readers: At our Mission Possible headquarters, I recently received some shocking correspondence from a young couple about aspartame's effects on their infant daughter, which to us proves several things:

1) How generally uninformed many physicians are about the neurodegenerative properties of aspartame

2) How its use on infants can result in a spate of serious seizures and other serious illnesses

3) After further research in my own archives, it is clear that the FDA was totally aware of these fatal flaws long before aspartame was approved.

First the correspondence: At 06:15 PM 2/24/2018, Rachel Pilkington wrote:

"When are they going to get rid of this stuff? My 16 month old daughter was fine up until Tuesday this week. Last week her doctor suggested using sugar free drink mix flavor to get her to drink more water. Well I did.

On Tuesday my baby started having seizures. She was in the hospital 3 days being poked and poked all over, people constantly messing with her. All tests that were run were normal with no signs of any neurological problems.

After reading about the effects of aspartame, I have narrowed it down to that. I asked the doctors and neurologists if that could have caused it and they said no! We have now been home since yesterday. We gave her no meds and no sugar free drinks. She has not had a seizure. She was having them back to back for 2 days when they finally stopped and of course the Doctors think that it was the meds, but I am convinced now it's the aspartame.

I feel like a lot of what they call epilepsy is caused by this horrible stuff. They expect the child to be on meds for something that can be prevented easily. Why won't Doctors believe this? I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I experienced it first hand from my daughter's suffering from it!"


I'm sending this note about their experiences with aspartame and their infant having seizures to Dr. Joseph Thomas at the FDA as well as to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner. I just sent to Dr. Thomas an imminent health hazard petition to ban aspartame. This is the third time I petitioned; seizures were mentioned the first time around: http://www.rense.com/general96/openFDA.html

Many have petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame since the beginning, when it should never have been approved in the first place. In the late 1970's, confronted with bizarrely flawed and phony "tests," the FDA first tried to have G. D. Searle indicted for fraud and then later revoked the petition for approval.

The approval for it was obtained entirely through the political chicanery of Donald Rumsfeld. In this documentary, "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World," Attorney James Turner meticulously explains how Rumsfeld forced through the approval for aspartame, with the collaboration and cooperation of President Ronald Reagan!


When I send Dr. Thomas dozens of more cases somewhat like Will's, taken from the dying and the dead before they died, he dismisses them as mere "anecdotes." His anecdotes are sick and dying the world over.

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photo: Picture of Dr. M. Soffritti (Director General of the Ramazzini Foundation) and Dr. Betty Martini at the Mt. Sinai Medical School, where he received the prestigious Irving J. Selikoff Award. New study with low doses released again showing (more...)

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