Many today equate
"religion" with belief in God, while it is far more likely, based
on the subsequent letters of Jefferson, Adams and Madison, that in
the 1st Amendment, the word "religion" refers to
institutional religion. Regardless, as Jefferson later clearly
stated, what is actually true about God, religion and science has no
relevance to the protection of free expression. Whether modern
science theories are accurate or poorly constructed fairy-tales is
irrelevant to 1st Amendment protections.
According to
legitimate polls, in the United States over 50% of scientists, 70% of
physicians and 80% of educators claim to believe in God. Even though
virtually all historically prominent scientists and many living
scientists believe the evidence demonstrates grand design, the ACLU
refuses to protect their highly credentialed scientific conclusions. Instead, it demands that educators deliberately lie to our children
by omission, leaving out the fact many major historical and living
scientists and every signer of the Declaration agree the scientific
evidence demonstrates design.
Militant atheist Richard
Dawkins agrees the "God question" is central to the scientific
thought and inquiry of virtually every major scientist, including
Charles Darwin. Yet, many today pretend God is not a question for
science. To ignore what major scientists have publicly stated is to
teach our children questioning what is true is not relevant to
education. Many of those who endorse gross censorship of the known
facts of history and science, are the same folks who are angry over
the one-sidedness of conservative talk radio.
has no more protection under the 1st Amendment than Catholicism. Is
freedom of speech or science itself really being served when only a
non-evidenced based superstitious assumption is taught in public
schools? According to biographer Walter Isaacson, Albert Einstein
said: "I have a deep feeling of faith, a deep religiosity that
comes from my appreciation of the way the Lord made the universe." Every signer of the Declaration agreed evidence for God is beyond
all rational dispute.
Should we forbid Socrates, Plato,
Aristotle, DaVinci, Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Jefferson, Madison,
Franklin, Paine, Darwin, Einstein and leading DNA expert Francis
Collins, from teaching their scientific opinions in public schools?
Does the ACLU really support the 1st Amendment? You decide.
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