On the Friday morning, January 22, 2010, after the Supreme Court made a 5-4 decision allowing unlimited spending of monies for candidates, the kitchen at school where I dropped off my daughter, Abigail, was ablaze with animosities. This favor to businesses made them furious. They were shouting, "The Corporate World can now buy their politicians and any policies they need for "business as usual."
They were thinking that money rules the world. Of course money rules, but that's because we all bought into it. It really is a clever delusion. Yeah - I know I need money too, but not to survive! Think of all those Haitians existing without a penny! But to get back here: Where would the corporations be without it? Where would our economy be? We could forget about bailouts! But Life would go on! Money may be a huge factor in how our economy and government works and it may effect how some officials are elected, but it's not real reality.
How Nature works is Real reality!
It may come as a surprise to many of you that food "RULES". Food has been ruling the continuing of life for billions of years on this planet. Those that ate the "right" food survived - those that didn't"...well - didn't - and the invention or use of money is but tiny portion of that time. Food trumps money anytime!
When we choose food based on it's cost we are susceptible to the laws or rules of money - those that are made by Man - like that TIME person of the year, head of the Federal Reserve, Bernancke! When we become totally dependent on Federal Reserve Notes (our current money) for our life or livelihood, we do fall into the trap of their money rules. So we really can't complain. We don't make the rules. But if we are frustrated enough we can begin to think on how every one of us can soon learn the rules of money, and begin to make our own money. It took me a while.
But today, I think it's more important to learn the "RULES" of food. When we do we can select food that is appropriate to our continuation as a human species - not worry about money - then we can think and act more clearly.