[Ed note: this movie was originally advertised as being free to view through July 4th, however, as I write this on July 5th, it is still available to view, so I adjusted the title and added this note.]
German Gong Visionary, Jens Zygar, and award-winning American director, John Pritchard, have produced an inspiring movie about the scientifically proven healing power of the gong. Through Gong Meditation Sessions, Sound Journeys, and Gong Baths, millions of people around the world have been reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and physical pain, while also achieving greater clarity of purpose and spiritual balance in their everyday life.
"I have been using a Gong for personal wellness and creative inspiration since 2006," said Pritchard, "but I had no idea how Gong professionals like Jens have been successfully helping people improve their health and well-being for the past 30 years." Pritchard was especially amazed to learn how the resonance and vibrations of the Gong can even heal an incurable blood infection as Dr. Jain Wells shares in the movie about saving her daughter's life with 45 minute Gong sessions.
See the movie for free, today, July 4th, here.
I had a chance to visit Shawn Aceto's gong studio, filled with his amazing gongs and singing bowls. You can scroll down the page to see the video about his gongs and check out his YouTube page for additional videos.