President Obama still holds out hope US Government shutdown can be avoided. The two sides have narrowed their differences and would try to close a deal. I have very clearly stated in all my astrology articles on President Obama during past two years that the months of March and April 2011 will be very challenging and difficult for President Obama. You can find all these astrology articles on internet and read it yourself.
Barack Obama is in Jupiter Main Period and Rahu sub period from Feb 2010 to July 2012. Jupiter and Rahu are two important planets that are influencing President Obama at this moment. Transit Jupiter was directly opposite transit Saturn back in June 2010 to Sept 2010 when Obama was facing problems such as BP Oil Spill, and his controversial comments on right to build Mosque near ground zero. That period was very difficult for Barack Obama. Now transit Jupiter has again come opposite transit Saturn third time, and Obama is facing new challenges this time in the form of Government Shutdown. Transit Jupiter will stay directly opposite transit Saturn until first week of may 2011. We also see all other planets Mercury, Sun, Venus, and Mars also coming in the fire power of Saturn. The period between now and first week of May 2011 is a very gloomy period for this world because all planets except Rahu and Ketu will be directly opposite transit Saturn. This difficult and challenging period will be over after first week of May 2011. The Government Shutdown in my opinion is eminent because the planetary energy is so negative until first week of May 2011 that the chances of any kind of negotiation between the two parties are very thin, and the American People will continue to suffer. Saturn also represents President Obama's ascendant lord as he is a Capricorn ascendant according to Vedic Astrology. When transit Saturn will be aspected by so many planets including evil Mars, it will be a very difficult and challenging time for Obama. Both parties in my opinion will come to some agreement after first week of May 2011.
The next challenging period for President Obama will be from Dec 2011 to Mar 10, 2012 when transit Jupiter will come opposite transit Saturn fourth time.
Gurmeet Singh Astrologer