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Gurmeet Singh is an internationally acclaimed Vedic Astrologer, and KP System Astrologer with over 20 years of experience as a full time consulting astrologer. He is a long standing member of the astrological community in the San Francisco, and Beverly Hills California metropolitan areas. He is one of the most respected astrologers in America who is experienced, and practiced in Vedic Astrology (KP System) that is based on the Constellations (Nakshatras) rather than the house rulership used by most Astrologers. Singh is an expert on the usage of Nakshatras, which gives much more accurate predictions than the usage of house rulership. As there are 27 Nakshatras (Stars) and 249 subs in the Zodiac, but only 12 houses.
SHARE Tuesday, July 24, 2012 James Holmes Astrology
Remorseless mass-murder suspect James Holmes Astrology Analysis. When the Ascendant lord in any astrology chart is connected with the Badhaka (obstruction) house, 8th house & 12th house through constellations (nakshatras), and is placed in that part of the zodiac ruled by planets which are significators of Badhaka house, 8th house and 12th house, the person will be a killer, a criminal or a thief.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, September 24, 2010 Astrological Analysis: President Barack Obama and November 2010 Elections
President Obama's time is going to improve in Nov 2010 because Jupiter will be Stationary direct in its own Nakshatra in first few degrees in Pisces and then the end of Aquarius sign, very powerful. Also Jupiter will not be aspected by transit Saturn. Jupiter will be very strong and powerful for President Obama during the months of Nov, Dec 2010 and then Jan, Feb 2011.
SHARE Friday, April 16, 2010 Larry King Astrology Chart Analysis
Larry King Astrology, Larry King Divorce, Larry King divorce Shawn Southwick, Astrology Analysis by Gurmeet Singh