The ascendant lord Sun is in 4th house in the constellation of 3rd (Contract Ads) &10th (Career & Position) house lord Venus, and Venus is in the 3rd house. This makes the Ascendant lord very strong, and indicates a very high level of success and celebrity status. Mercury is the best planet in Tiger Wood's Chart as Mercury rules 2nd house of money, 11th house gains, and is located in 5th house of entertainment, sports, celebrity status, love affairs, romance etc, and Mercury is in the constellation of Ascendant lord Sun. So Mercury in one stroke connects the Ascendant (self), 2nd house of money,11th house of gains, and 5th house of sports, entertainment, love affairs, romance. Venus rules 3rd house of Contracts & 10th house of career, and status in life is in the constellation of 6th (loss to competitors) and 7th (marriage, business) house lord Saturn and Saturn is in the 11th house of gains. Also Saturn is in its own constellation, very powerful. Jupiter the ruler of 5th house of sports and Entertainment, and 8th house (sudden wealth) is also in the constellation of 2nd (money) and 11th (gains) lord Mercury again in 5th (Sports) house.
As we have seen success, name and fame for Tiger Woods came during Venus Mahadasha Jupiter Bhukti (Oct 1994 to June 1997), Venus Mahadasha Saturn Bhukti (June 1997 to August 2000), and Venus Mahadasha Mercury Bhukti (August 2000 to June 2003). During these periods Tiger won Master's in April 1997, Contracts, agreements 1997 Ad contracts worth $60 million over five years, Sports illustrated's "Sportsman of the Year in Dec 1996, PGA Championship Prize 1999, US Open Prize 2000, British Open July 2000, Second consecutive PGA Championship August 2000, Fourth major championship in a row April 2001, Won third Masters April 2002, began significant relationship 25 November 2003 (became engaged to Elin Nordegren).
Tiger Woods chart is not good for happiness in marriage as he is Leo Ascendant. The 7th house of Marriage lord Saturn rules 6th house of separation as well at same time, and Saturn is in 11th house of gains and friendships in his own Nakshatra. This makes Saturn a very strong significator of 7th house (Marriage) and 6th house (Separation).
At present Tiger Woods is in Sun Mahadasha Venus Bhukti from August 2009 to August 2010. Tiger has Venus and Moon in Scorpio, Venus at 5 degrees 05 minutes, and Moon at 28 degrees 43 minutes. Transit Saturn is in Virgo and aspects both natal Venus and natal Moon at same time. Transit Sun the ascendant lord for Tiger and transit Venus the ruler of 10th house of career, and position in life came into Scorpio and received 3rd aspect from transit Saturn in Virgo, and moon on Nov 27th came into Saturn's constellation when the Tiger Woods' night time car crash happened which left him bleeding on the road outside his home, have led only to more questions, not answers. The period until the end of 2010 is not good for Tiger's career as transit Saturn from Virgo will be aspecting the natal Venus, the lord of 10th house of career. His marriage will end by Oct 2011 when transit Saturn will aspect his natal moon, and Tiger will be in moon's mahadasha at that time, a strong significator of 12th house of separation. The period from June 2011 to January 2012 will be very sensitive period for Tiger as he will be in Moon Mahadasha and Mars Bhukti. The Badhaka Planet for Tiger is Mars, the ruler of 4th and 9th house, and Mars is in its own nakshatra, is the most evil planet in his chart. I see some important events related to his property, as Mars the Badhaka planet rules the 4th house as well which represents immovable assets.