Is Organized Pedophilia Behind the Anti-Abortion Movement? Part 1 (of 2)
(Why Is the Anti-Ab
ortion Movement Silent About Organized Pedophilia?)In a devastated world economy, combined with a society that continues to designate pedophilia crimes as law enforcement's lowest priority, anti-abortion laws only guarantee a greater supply of victims to the rapidly-growing, billion-dollar, online pedophilia industry, and that is a most heinous betrayal of the collective human soul.
While the predictable arguments in the abortion debate droned on over the years, we took for granted the anti-abortionist's claims on "God's will" about unborn babies, and no one else in the debate dared touch upon the subject of God's will any further. But with the ever increasing exposure of just how powerfully organized and vastly worldwide the pedophilia community really is, regardless of our views about the existence of "God," we can no longer afford to let it go unsaid that it cannot be God's will for children to be raped. Yet this is exactly what will happen to countless more children if anti-abortion laws are passed without first having brought the worldwide pedophilia epidemic to an end.
Online pedophilia is a rapidly
exploding industry with profits in the billions. It is the fastest growing
crime in
The demand for newer videos and pictures runs so high that authorities are reporting increasingly brutal pornography with younger and younger victims, and the graphic nature of the pedophile crimes rarely reaches the public because the crimes are so horrific that they're difficult to discuss publicly:
Almost ten years ago, in 2003, Detective Sgt. Paul Gillespie of the Toronto Police Child Exploitation Unit, reported that the images were growing more violent and disturbing. "We regularly seize hundreds of thousands of images involving children as young as babies in diapers in pictures and in full length movies being brutally tortured, raped, sodomized and bleeding. This is the norm. There are now 3 and 4 year-olds in 20 minute movies screaming for daddy to stop." ( Thanks to the special immunity offered by lax laws on incest, most pedophiles resort to the "grow your own victim" method to avoid criminal prosecutions if caught --a loophole which the lobbying group has been ceaselessly trying to close, state by state, since 2002 ( With online pedophilia crimes continuing to be a low priority in law enforcement, along with its yearly growth rate reported to be at 150% (source listed above, in 3rd paragraph), things have only gotten worse since 2003.
Due to the hard evidence that crime scene recordings in online pedophilia crimes inherently provide, getting a traumatized victim to testify in court is no longer necessary so, they are the easiest and least expensive pedophile cases to get a conviction. But less than 1% of the cases are ever investigated ( As reports, computer forensics technology has, for years now, enabled law enforcement to pinpoint exactly where all online pedophiles are operating from. However, due to lack of adequate funding, they are barely able to investigate over 1% of their caseload (and out of that 1%, 1 in 3 cases leads to a rescue of a live victim- To name one example, in November 2011 the State of Maine's Police Computer Crimes Unit's computer forensics evidence was reported to be "stacked to the ceiling" waiting to be investigated, as more and more cases were rolling in ( With common backlogs of computer forensics running anywhere from 9 to 12 months (, as Wyoming Agent Flint Water summed it up, in his testimony to Congress, "We are drowning in a tidal wave of tragedy. We don't have the resources we need to save these children."
In light of all this, it intolerable that pedophilia crimes remain the lowest priority in law enforcement funding, because there is no crime more cruel that any human being could be forced to endure, that the word "cruelty' hardly does it justice.
Since 2006, has
been lobbying both Bush and Obama Administrations to provide the necessary
funding for the computer forensics needed to help law enforcement handle their
backlog of online pedophile cases, but their lobbying efforts have continued to
be callously ignored by the Obama Administration (,
and worse- Obama's 2013 budget for the Dept of Justice (p.807) proposes cuts to
the already poorly funded Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program down
from $30 million to $22 million per year. This is a catastrophic cut of 27% for
a program which calls "the backbone of
With only $22 million per year for law enforcement to stop the fastest growing crime in America that has an average yearly growth rate of 150% (and reported to have raked in over $20 billion just in 2006 alone --sources listed in 3rd paragraph above), compared with the $13.7 billion per year that taxpayers are forced to spend on marijuana/hemp prohibition, this is intolerable! ( So while Obama proclaims "upholding the law" as his excuse for persecuting Medical Marijuana Dispensaries (source-, and throwing the odd $50 million here and there for security of both republican and democrat conventions this year to guard against protestors, it is clear that "upholding the law" against pedophilia crimes is not on Obama's list of priorities.
On their website, emphatically asserts that "Obama's cuts to the ICAC will directly result in fewer predatory criminals being arrested"and more children will be raped, abused, and sexually exploited." In 2006, Congressman Joe Barton of Texas held a series of hearings on the crisis, pleading with Bush's officials to ask Congress for a massive increase in funding: "We're fighting a forest fire with a can of aerosol spray." If I've got to put out a major forest fire I don't send one firefighter. I mobilize the entire operation." (or watch Fast forward to now, in 2012, and even the funding for that "one firefighter" is about to be cut? Are we really going to let that happen?
The pedophilia community must be celebrating. They have two presidential candidates ready to give them an endless supply of victims (Ron Paul and Romney, who both want to pass anti-abortion laws), and then another one, Obama, who treats pedophilia as the lowest priority crime. And make no mistake, Obama's merciless removals of our civil liberties (especially through his NDAA/"indefinite detention" law, allowing Americans to be detained indefinitely without charge or trial), also effectively eliminates abortion rights in the sneakiest round-about way possible: Civil liberties are inseparable to all other rights --none of our other rights can exist without civil liberties (and by endorsing Obama for re-election, the abortion rights group NARAL, ignores this uncomfortable, yet inescapable fact to the great peril of all women). "First they came for the Arabic people and I did not speak out because I was not Arabic...then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak out." Putting it mildly, without civil liberties all our other "rights" are no longer secure, and that includes abortion rights whether we like to admit that or not.
Meanwhile, Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder still refuses to do anything about a child porn case found in his own office (, and is literally siding with predatory pedophiles against victims wanting compensation for damages ( After years of getting nowhere with Obama, has devised a creative new strategy to override Obama's inaction, by getting every governor in all 50 states to declare a state of emergency to end the online pedophilia epidemic ( and you can sign their petition to your governor at- This way law enforcement can finally get to all their computer forensics backlogs and put every single online pedophile in prison. Massive public awareness, of course, is essential to applying enough pressure on our state governors to do this, and this where help from the media is also essential.
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