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**my protect.org links, for part I, have been removed (or changed?), This link is all I could find, for now: notonemorechild (dot org/facts/14)**
Proud contributer to the I hate fascism site (a time capsule from 2003-2005). Also wrote articles for the Washington Free Press:
1- 'Prison Profiteering' 31 May 2010
2- 'How Marijuana Became Illegal' 3 June 2009
...and other articles at Wafreepress (dot org), starting in December 2007.
My defining "waking up" moment occurred in 1999 during Clinton's WTO, and I have never voted for that "left" fist of corporate-rule since then. I am shocked at the cowardice of people who cling to the beliefs that anything other than puppets of the 1%, is "unrealistic," and I would remind them that if Martin Luther King adhered to their common-held beliefs about what is "unrealistic" or "impossible," he never would've tried. Obama's NDAA (or the "indefinite detention" law), and his TPP, must not be tolerated or, given another chance, Obama will out-evil Romney as easily as he did Bush.
If the unprecedented high voter turn-out against Bush's policies in 2008 happens again in 2012, Jill Stein will win by a landslide -easy! How bitterly ironic then, that the only thing preventing us from defeating the 1% (for REAL this time!) are the Obama apologists who insist that we can't.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, November 1, 2024 One Last Question -to Women who Support Democrats
The Democrats have been stringing us along with abortion rights for too long now -many decades. While the media portrays the Democrats as champions for women's rights, in reality, every time Democrats have had the opportunity to enact abortion rights into federal law, they've refused to do it.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 30, 2022 ACLU and LWV Facilitating Rape of Women in U.S. Prisons
It is one thing not to know. But to deliberately ignore something or actively work to cover up a crime against humanity is an entirely different thing. You be the judge: Should convicted violent sex-offenders be allowed to keep their male genitalia when they claim transgender status to be housed in women's prisons?
(7 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 8, 2020 John Lennon -the Day the Beatles Broke Up
Here's a funny story about John Lennon on the day the Beatles broke up, as witnessed by a fan hanging around outside the Beatles recording studio.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 8, 2020 John Lennon's Assassin Still Roams Free
The CIA put John Lennon under surveillance because they viewed his anti-war activism as a "danger" and a serious "threat to national security." I believe if John Lennon had not been an anti-war activist he'd be alive today.
(11 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 14, 2020 Christianity's Greatest Lie is Rooted in Its Origins
Regardless of whether we are Christians or not, if Jesus turns out to be a fictional character created by ancient Roman elites as a tool for social control, then there are some tough questions we need to start asking ourselves.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, November 5, 2012 If Your Only Choices Were Bush and Romney, Would You Vote For Bush?
If you never see yourself voting for Bush under any circumstances, then why would you vote for someone whose environmental and human rights record is worse than Bush's? (How harshly would you pass judgement on those who helped Hitler's-Germany to come to power, or did nothing to stop it?)
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Is Organized Pedophilia Behind the Anti-Abortion Movement? (part one)
Today's technology enables law enforcement to pinpoint exactly where all online pedophiles are but, due to govt refusal to provide needed resources, they can only get to 1% of the cases, leaving the rest of the pedophiles to do as they please... The anti-abortion movement's claims to "Christianity" can no longer be tolerated if they do not put this issue at the top of their priorities.
(10 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Is Organized Pedophilia Behind the Anti-Abortion Movement? (part two)
(pt 2) Today's computer forensics technology enables law enforcement to pinpoint exactly where all online pedophiles are located but, due to US govt's refusal to provide the resources, they can only get to 1% of the cases, leaving the rest of the pedophiles to do as they please. Why do we tolerate this govt inaction? And if the anti-abortion movement is really "Christian," then why are they silent about this heinous epidemic?