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My Encounter with Ukrainian-American Nazi Mark Paslawsky: What He Died For

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George Eliason
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photo Paslawsky

Novo Russiya (Donbas) has become the hunting ground for reporters and writers trying to cover the campaign by Kiev forces. I have nothing but admiration for the reporters constantly trying to cover the events. For the first time in local memory they have become prime targets in war.

For any person the story comes to life when it is about people you care about. When you live there you are involved.

In Ukraine the words you write can get you and the people you care about killed. You really weigh carefully what you disclose. You think about hurting innocent people. Noone writes for the sake of writing when you are surrounded by hundreds of automatic, heavy weapons and people that don't recognize your humanity.

Words like Ukrainian Nationalist have no real meaning for readers. For us it means an ideology of death. A word like propaganda boils down to what it really means - lies that kill and liars that make murderers heroes. Lies are killing people in Lugansk and Donetsk. Stopping death by lies from Kiev are why the Novo Russiya Republic (Lugansk and Donetsk) was founded.

Throughout the press the American Bandera, Mark Paslawsky has been called a hero of America and Ukraine. He was a West Point graduate and served in the US military. He loved Bruce Springsteen and wrapped himself in the American and Ukrainian flags. Paslawsky volunteered at age 55 to fight for Nationalist Ukraine. He served under Simeon Sementchenko as a volunteer in the Donbas Battalion. Mark Paslawsky was an American OUNb Banderavites Ukrainian emigre ultra-nationalist, or just to keep it simple, an American Nazi.

The Donbas Battalion and Symeon Sementchenko are not regular army, nor have they been directly involved in heavy combat until recently. Donbas battalion is a Punisher/ Cleansing Battalion that goes from village to village and city to city after it is cleared of militia. Their only purpose has been the mutilation and mass murder of defenseless, unarmed people.

In my articles updating the events of the war I have mentioned the mass murder, torture, and mutilation Sementchenko's Donbas battalion has left in its wake on a number of occasions. It is responsible for cutting the hands and feet off live people before killing them.

In the village of Snowy they took males age 14-60 suspected of sympathizing with the referendum or militia (now Novo Russiya Army) into the street and shot them in cold blood. They routinely tortured people for information. In the town of Friendly, the Donbas battalion shot into the houses and murdered everyone they thought were sympathetic to the referendum.

In early July, Oleg Dube, one of Donbass Battalions more committed volunteers fighting "separatists" had a falling out with Sementchenko because of the murder and cowardice displayed by the battalion in Nikolaeka. On his facebook page on July 7th he wrote : When they entered Nikolaevka, there were only unarmed townspeople there. They knew going in there was no militia. He describes the battalion filled with cowards shooting everything that moved and throwing grenades into the houses, cellars, and every structure, killing everyone and everything they came across.

Photo Oleg dube facebook

Sementchenko attested to the authenticity himself by posting his answer to Oleg Dube. "Who is in the Military Prosecutor's Office? In wartime such allegations are unacceptable. Religious strife in the battalion will not be tolerated." He then stated that if people believed it, they were losing the information war.

Photo Sementchenko answer Dube

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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