is my nation and country. I don't see any lines drawn on it.
Nor do I see any illegals in it other then the ones who stole it from me.
Illegals are the ones who rape it for timber, uranium, gold, silver, iron, oil
and such that is not wearable, edible or provides shelter and medicine.
Illegals are the ones who develop not because of need but to enrich them self
at our expense. Illegals are the ones who demand we give them our wampum in
exchange for nothing. Illegals are those who say go and fight in this war or
that without reason. Let each people live in harmony with each other and let
them trade for what they need without borders. Let them learn from each other,
that misunderstanding and war will be no more. Let none go hungry, none go
without shelter and none go without the opportunity to learn and contribute to
the greater good. Let each have a place where they can grow food for them self
and their neighbors. Let each then share in the bounty provided by Grandmother
Earth. Each to their needs without greed. This I will work for, this I will
give my life for, and no less will I accept. There is no difference between a
black woman or a white baby or a yellow man nor a red person, that was taught
to me by the elders. All are two legged animals no better then our brother the
deer or our sister the wolf. Take only what you need and give thanks to it for
filling your needs. Let each live the life of their choice as long as they do
no harm to others.
Big Tree 10/11/09