In this time of elections a question has not been asked. It's probably the core question around which discontent at Washington policy revolves. It's the question that everyone avoids in a effort to not make waves or say that the government is not serving all of the people. Not only that but it never has in my lifetime. It has always served the rich, it has always been for sale and it has never served the people. That is the truth, no matter which head of the Hydra called our political parties is in power.
Election after election both parties make promises in order to get your votes. Some big some small, but the core promises for each party remain the same and are never achieved despite the lies being promulgated.
The Republicans use fear to win the votes. Always needing more national defense, law and or fear and protection from this or that boogeyman. It doesn't matter how stable the economy is, how peacful our neighbors are or whatever, the pith is always the same if you don't vote for us the world will come to a end and we will loose our freedoms. That and less taxes, not for you and I but for business and the super rich.
The Democrats use supposed gains for the little people, and other supposed populous gimmicks to win your votes. That and anti rich guys talk without action.
The truth is neither party even when they have a fail proof majority ever take effective or decisive actions to bring their so called platforms into being.
So what is the answer, as this round of elections comes around once again, may I suggest not voting for either of them. May I suggest voting for some minor party or independent you have never heard of or know nothing about. Not because they know their way around DC but because they don't. They are not in on the gravy train of legalized bribery called campaign contributions. They haven't raised millions of dollars to buy the news time and the get out the vote slick organization necessary to win a major election. Do so at all levels of politics, the dog catcher, ward politician, county clerk, state representative or even a house or senate seat. Throw out all the professional politicians and no change party hacks. It's time o shake up politics as usual and show the two headed hydra that gives away our hard earned money to the super rich and other nations when we have so many problems at home. That we are willing to take a chance on Joe or Jane Anyone to come up with solutions to our problems.
If you agree pass this on to anyone and everyone. If you are satisfied with business as usual all up and down the line of government by the rich,for the rich and the people getting the scraps left over, step up and bring real change to DC. I hope the next Speaker of the House is not some Republican or Democrat party hack but someone we haven't heard mentioned before. If you agree Add your name to mine and send it to your local news outlets. If you agree find out who besides the sell out party hacks is running for office and contribute to them. Work on their campaign and vote for the, Good Luck and enjoy yourself.
Robert N. Smith USN RET and Peacemaker