At the beginning of this recession the vast majority of the American People opposed any form of bailout to Wall Street and corporate business. This $700 billion dollar bailout legislation in the House of Representatives was dead on arrival until the U.S. Senate loaded the bill with perks for our politicians to entice them to support this legislation.
At the present time our U.S. Treasury Secretary has been throwing this $700 billion in all directions of the "business sector" to stimulate this economy. Again, our politicians are completely relying on the same old "trickle down" from the top lobbyist theory to solve this financial problem of ours that was the culprit that got us into this mess. The greedy business sector and their lobbyist are making sure that our tax dollars go to them in the future and not for any programs that may help our U.S. Citizens to improve their present living standard at the bottom of the economic ladder.
I therefore suggest the following to confront this economic situation from a "Common Sense" point of view for your consideration:
First of all, our tax dollars should be used and spent at the "bottom" of the economic ladder and not solely at the "top" of the economic ladder to pacify Wall Street. At the present time, our Treasury Department Government is throwing or spending money at different segments of the economy when it should be equally distributed across all segments of the economy at the same time to get the biggest bang for our dollars that in the interim will benefit ALL of our American People and provide relief for ALL our American People and not just business firms. In my opinion it is our people, who are the majority and taxpayers, who should be the priority, and not the business sector. It is also the 300 million people in this Nation that makes business thrive through their spending at the bottom of this economy and paying off their debts. We should also consider that after each U.S. Citizen who pays their Federal and State taxes every year, where does the majority of their remaining income go? It goes to the business sector.
I therefore propose that the President and Congress should pass a new minimum wage law for all workers to $10.00 per hour. The previous wage law with tax cuts for "business" who had produced this inflation, did not reimburse our U.S. workers entirely for the "business" inflation that they had endured and paid approximately ten years before the previous minimum wage law was passed at the insistence of the Republican members in our U.S. Senate. Guess What? A minimum wage law does not cost the U.S. Government one cent and will also generate tax revenues for our State and Federal Governments.
In addition, all U.S. Veterans and Social Security Recipients should receive an additional 26% Cost of Living Adjustment over and beyond the 5.8% Cost of Living that will soon be due and paid on January 1, 2009. This 26% additional "Cost of Living" or COLA increase should be considered as back pay that the Bush Administration has not calculated correctly over the past eight years by a percentage ratio of 4% for each of those past eight years or a total of approximately 32% in the year of 2009. Guess What? Funds have already been established for this COLA payment inflation program within the Federal Budget.
(Refer To These Three COLA Confirmation Web Reports Below)
(1) First of all, All Americans would be receiving money from our U.S. Government contrary to Business Firms and Wall Street only to stimulate our economy. In addition, the U.S. Government owes this money to our workers and those who are disabled or retired from the past and should be considered as a reimbursement for money owed.
(2) By the American People receiving this money at the bottom to spend at the retail sector or to assist in paying their existing home mortgage payments, will also help Small Business who are at the economic bottom also who will then purchase or replenish their stock from their wholesale suppliers who are the large business firms or corporations. Our American People can also pay their present high energy utility bills and also spend more for gasoline that in turn will help the oil industry.
(3) In retrospect to this proposal, the flow of money from the bottom will be "Evenly Distributed" throughout this economy with no preferential treatment for lobbyist or anyone else so that all segments of our economy will recover in unison contrary to concentrating our Government's efforts in certain areas or regions of this economy only. We all need to participate in this economic recovery contrary to a preferential few.
(4) In regard to our unfortunate American People who have lost their jobs as a result of this economy mess, these former American Workers should have their unemployed benefits extended, and our U.S. Government should also INCREASE their present unemployment benefits by at least 32% to compensate these workers for past inflation trend payments that were denied to them in the past as I have previously proposed within my previous paragraphs five and six.
It is inconceivable that the economic program as proposed by the Bush Administration is not acceptable and is not getting the job done. My proposals I have submitted here may not be acceptable either, but as a Loyal American and U.S. Veteran, I must do what I think is best for my Country, and I hope you will soon do the same.
Leon is, and always has been, a yellow dog Democrat. He is also a Korea War Veteran and is a retired 76 year old Senior Citizen. He has also been active within his State campaigning for various Democrat candidates during his younger years and has (