Time is limited to present my proposal or even your own to our Congress Members who are “Fast Tracking” their OWN version of this Stimulus Bill without consideration or input from the American voting public. Please Let Your Voice Be Heard! These are my suggested guidelines:
(1) LOCAL Small Business Contractors WITHIN EACH STATE shall be provided with any CONTRACT priorities relating to all Stimulus Programs that are designated within their State. In addition, any Contractor that HAS NOT previously done business with the Federal Government over previous years shall be provided top priority OVER all “Stimulus” contracts.
(2) No "No Bid" Contracts from any business firm shall be accepted or permitted.
(3) Contractors must also be obligated to hire any Legal American Citizen who is presently unemployed through each State or City Unemployment Offices where the Stimulus contracting work shall be performed. Under no circumstances shall any contractor hire or employ any foreign worker who does not have authentic American Citizenship Documentation. The failure of any contractor or his representative to not validate a workers social security number through Homeland Security will be subject to a fine and loss of his Stimulus Contract depending upon a hearing of evidence before any State, City, or Federal court of law within the jurisdiction where the previous violation of this Stimulus Law segment had originated.
(4) No Foreign business contracting firm or any Subsidiary thereof shall be permitted to bid or participate in this Stimulus package work program in regard to building materials or the employment of workers. In addition, all building or construction supplies shall only be purchased within the territory of the United States only. Any “unauthorized purchases” defined in this provision shall not be paid to any contractor or product supply business violator firm by any State or Federal Government Financial Agency
(5) All our American workers who may participate in this Stimulus Work Program must be paid a minimum wage of no less than $10.00 per hour with overtime provision pay for any work that may be performed over any forty hour working period for each week. Please keep in mind that anyone who now works for the Federal Government is receiving far more wages than the $10.00 per hour that is proposed here. In addition, all Stimulus Program Workers must also receive health insurance protection during their complete working period of employment that should be paid by the Federal Government. Why not? All Federal Employees receive health care benefits.
(6) MORATORIUM ON ALL PRESENT FORIEGN WORKER VISA PROGRAMS DURING THE STIMULUS RECOVERY PERIOD WITH THE EXCEPTION OF “TEMPORARY” AGRICUTURE VISA WORK PROGRAMS. The purpose of this provision should be considered as an existing “Job protection” emergency measure in an effort to provide more job opportunities and protection for our present Unemployed American Workers, by “temporary” replacing of all foreign visa workers who are now in this Nation until such time that the National unemployment statistics indicate that unemployment has fallen to a 4% level in effect in this Nation prior to the failure of the financial banks and recession period.
In addition, no foreign Work Visas shall be issued or granted to any Foreign Nation that may be requested by any United States business firms Regardless Of Any Circumstances, with the exception of Agriculture employment. In addition, all Foreign Citizens who are now “temporary” employed in the United States must return to their Country of origin “on a temporary basis” until such time the unemployment in this Nation declines to a 4% statistic figure level that will indicate or confirm an end to our present U.S. recession.
(7) Eliminate Futures The Speculation Marketing Practices On Necessity Energy Services or Products such as Gasoline, Natural Gas, Diesel, Electricity Rates, and Home Heating Oils.
(8) Reinstate Federal Regulations in regard to Gasoline, Diesel, Home Heating oils, Natural Gas, Electricity, and the financial institutions Nationwide.
(9) Our U.S. Government should request that all business firms in these United States should refrain from increasing their present retail prices during this recovery effort until such time that the unemployment rate statistics return to the pre-recession level of 4%.