SELECTING A WOMAN VICE PRESIDENT CANDIDATE Without a doubt I do believe that there is very much division in the Democratic Party particularly among women. In order to bring the Democratic Party back to its status quo, it is my hope that Barack Obama will therefore choose a women as his running mate in 2008. We should therefore let the healing process among our Democratic Party members to begin now. At the present time I have three Democratic Women in mind to be our Vice President in the November 2008 General Election. They are as follows: (1) HILLARY CLINTON: No question about it she has the experience to be Vice President. However during the Primary Campaign she has alienated many blacks with her and Bill's racist comment slants, and her negative poll ratings in regard to being "trustworthy" has constantly been in the upper 40% range among ALL voters throughout the entire Primary Months. Many Democrats have indicated to me that Hillary could better serve the American People and the Democratic Party if she would devote her efforts to become Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate to push the Democratic Agenda through the U.S Congress. Throughout her primary campaign she has advocated that she is a person who knows how to get things done in the U.S. Senate and Congress. However, many Democrats now believe that NO Democrat in our U.S. Senate should be chosen as a Vice President candidate, since the Democrats only control the U.S. Senate majority now by just one Democratic U.S. Senator member. We should also maintain into perspective that the possibility exists that Independent Joe Lieberman could at any time switch his allegiance to the Republican Party within any period of time, and this could definitely be a demonstrated remote possibility since he is now assisting Republican John McCain on his quest to be our next U.S. President. In retrospect to the previous, the Democrats should therefore hold on to every seat they have now in the U.S. Senate as a political insurance policy JUST IN CASE that Obama should not be elected in the 2008 General Election. Another reason why the Democrats should be sure to retain the very slim control of the U.S. Senate as it is now and then to hope that additional Democrats will be elected in the General Election that will give them a veto proof Majority in the U.S. Senate in the event that John McCain should accidentally be elected to be our President. Regardless if John McCain was elected or not, we would then have a sufficient number of Democrats in our U.S. Senate that would capable to over-ride any McCain veto in regard to any bill that may be offered by the Democrats. In essence, the U.S. Senate will be the key to our success in the year of 2009 regardless of the election outcome. We also should keep in mind that the appointment of a new Supreme Court Judge or judges could be in the offering after the newly elected President is sworn into office in the year of 2009 that may determine if the Supreme Court will be liberal or conservative. (2). BARBARA BOXER: I will never forget the courage that Barbara Boxer demonstrated at the time when she was the ONLY U.S. Senator who had the guts to go to the U.S. House of Representatives to challenge the electors from the State of Ohio that would have denied George Bush from serving a second term as our President during the election year of 2004. But here again, should we take a chance of possibly losing another U.S. Senator and possibly lose "complete" control of the 2009 U.S. Senate for the identical reasons that I have previously indicated above in regard to Senator Hillary Clinton? We must therefore ask ourselves if we should take the chance to lose a Senator in either New York or California by a "newcomer" politician who could very well lose those Senate races in their effort to replace either one hese two outstanding Senators ?
(3) The next following Democrat to consider to be our next Woman as Vice President of the United States who is now my preferred choice, is the present two term "Democrat" Governor from the State of Kansas Kathleen Sebelius. It was our Governor Sebelius that broke the previous historic Republican rule tradition in Kansas and was reelected for a second term in this State. From my perception in regard to this 2008 election Governor Sebelius would be a great running mate for Barack Obama, do to the fact that Barack Obama has been campaigning in the primary for change, I therefore believe that his future running mate should be a symbol of this change by selecting a running mate from OUTSIDE of Washington D.C. to demonstrate his sincerity to bring about this change by selecting a Woman State Governor who has been close to the People during the Bush Presidency who can relate to their desires or needs that have been ignored over the previous seven years. I am therefore pleased and proud to recommend Governor Kathleen Sebelius from the great State of Kansas to be our next historic Woman Vice President of these United States TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS VP PROSPECT PLEASE REFER TO HER BIOGRAPHY LINKBELOW: Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius For Vice President
Leon is, and always has been, a yellow dog Democrat. He is also a Korea War Veteran and is a retired 76 year old Senior Citizen. He has also been active within his State campaigning for various Democrat candidates during his younger years and has (