In anticipation of the birth of a new "third" political party there is the need to discuss the foundational principles of a new socio-cultural order inclusive of all national resident ethnoracial groups. The corresponding principles of a new econo-political order only then become a proper subject for parallel discussions among and between ethnoraces.
There is the need as well for a Nationalist leadership with a re-evolutionary or pre-evolutionary political perspective grounded in but not limited to the nation's foundational principles as expressed in the nation's founding documents and writings.
In terms of personnel there is the need for someone like a Ron Paul (a Republican) for President and someone like a Dennis Kucinich (a Democrat) for VP or vice versa on the same third party ticket. And there is, moreover, the need for someone like a Lyndon LaRouche (an Oligarch) for Senior Presidential Advisor.
There are two socio-cultural principles necessary to re-establish and maintain a just social order. The first one addresses the issue of Money. The second one addresses the issue of Slavery (or, conversely, of Freedom). Expressed as Amendments to the Constitution they are:
ï"š · The Federal Monetary Sovereignty Amendment (reflected in the provisions of the National Emergency Employment Defense Act of 2010, the NEED Act, H. R. 6550).
ï"š · The Federal Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment.
The Federal Monetary Sovereignty Amendment
ï"š · The creation, issuance and disbursement of United States money shall be subject to the General Welfare clause of the Preamble to the Constitution under an elected Federal Monetary Authority.
ï"š · The Federal Reserve System shall be incorporated into the Department of the Treasury as the Federal Reserve Bureau and shall be elevated within three months of the passage of this Amendment to the status of an independent Fourth Branch of government to be known as the Federal Monetary Authority.
ï"š · The Federal Monetary Authority shall be directly and democratically elected by the whole of the People separately in each of the sovereign States.
ï"š · Nothing in the language of this Amendment is intended to deny or to deprive any State of any of its rights under the Constitution including but not limited to the right of secession.
The Federal Ethnocultural Sovereignty Amendment
ï"š · No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to an ethnoracial identity.
ï"š · No citizen shall be denied or deprived of the right to belong to an ethnoracial group.
ï"š · No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to ethnocultural sovereignty.
ï"š · No ethnorace shall be denied or deprived of the right to proportional political representation.