Race is about ancestral physical heritage. Ethnicity is about ancestral cultural heritage. Ethnorace is about both.
Pretending or assuming that "race" does not exist but that "ethnicity" does is a total non-sequitur and a discussion non-starter. There has to be an understanding of the real problem and not some imaginary problem that has no relationship to reality before there can be any intelligent discussion on race and ethnicity.
There must be agreement on terminology. Black and white is about race and has nothing to do with ethnicity. It is about skin color, pure and simple. As long as "whites" are afraid of being called "racist" and continue buying into the elite dominant sociocultural absurdity that race does not exist or that racial differences between people are not "relevant" or that race equates to ethnicity how can there possibly be any intelligent discussion on the topics of race and ethnicity?
How can there be any intelligent discussion when the very problem to be addressed is denied as real? Or when it is assumed that "racism" is a "white" mental problem as one African American recently proclaimed in her OpEdNews article?
Race is assumed not to exist yet in the very next breath (or sentence or paragraph) people are classified as white or black or brown or yellow or red!!! That is a total absurdity and yet so many people are mentally transfixed by that absurdity. The underlying problem has to be recognized. It is elite Anglo-Saxon ethnoracism that is heavily overlaid with a myriad of other pernicious assumptions and lies.
The elite dominant "white supremacist" and "nativist exceptionalist" sociocultural themes must be seen and exposed for what they are and for what their intended purpose is which is to divide and conquer, to confuse the minds of Americans and, in particular, the minds of ethnoracially-cleansed "Melting Pot" European Americans and dumbed-down or perhaps not so dumbed-down Anglo-Saxon Americans. So called "whites".
Latinos, Hispanos and Mexican Americans know that race and racism are real. It is a reality that they confront daily as do all Hispanics, i.e., all Spanish-speaking Americans. Hispanics of all ethnoracial identities as well as members of every other ethnoracial and linguocultural minority group know that race is real. It is only the majority "white" population that is irrational on the subject of race and ethnicity. It is paralyzed by fear of being accused of being racist on the one hand and paralyzed by ignorance of race and ethnicity on the other hand.
If there is to be any intelligent discussion about race and ethnicity that discussion cannot begin by denying the reality of race or by equating race with ethnicity. Denying the existence of race, pretending that only "ethnicity" exists and then pretending that we are going to have any kind of a discussion let alone an intelligent discussion about a reality whose non-existence we have just postulated is absurd on the face of it! Yet that is exactly the level of absurdity to which the American people have descended in their discussions about race and racism.