On Saturday, September 15, the Green Party candidate for PA Governor, Paul Glover, was welcomed by supporters in the ball room of the William Way LGBT Community Center. Glover told the Green Party voters that "the Green Party should not be considered a 'third party' because it is the first party.
"The Green Party was the first party to campaign for legalization of recreational cannabis." Glover continued, "The Green Party was the first party to campaign for an end to mass incarceration; the first party to campaign for a guaranteed minimum income; the first party to campaign for marriage rights for same-sex couples; and the first party to campaign for a complete ban on fracking."
Olivia Faison, chair of the Green Party of Philadelphia, welcomed those who came to hear Glover speak, along with Neal Gale, the Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, and Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick, Green Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of PA. The crowd was appreciative. They had come not only from Philadelphia, but also from Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties.
Then Glover railed against being called "a spoiler." According to Glover, both the Republican and Democratic Party candidates have spoiled their own campaigns for governor by failing to talk about what they would do during the next four years, if elected. Glover said, "I can tell you right now, that as your next governor, I will create a new department called 'the Green Labor ADministration (GLAD),' which will create 500,000 new jobs that respond to climate change: cleaning our water and air, cooling and warming our homes without fossil fuels, installing solar and wind energy, expanding organic agriculture, extending public transit, and teaching related skills."
By working to restore a sense of community, building regional co-ops for healthcare, agriculture and manufacturing, Glover said he would create a new mutual class in Pennsylvania. "The struggling middle class can escape treadmills of debt by uniting with poor citizens, joining member-owned organizations; and becoming a powerful mutual class, that will enable them to live well with less expense."
The program concluded with an appeal from Chris Robinson of the Green Party's Electoral Working Group. Robinson emphasized, "The Green Party is bold: it has a bold platform with bold solutions, and it has bold candidates. What we need now are bold volunteers to represent our candidates at each polling place on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6."
For more information about Paul Glover's candidacy please visit http://www.paulglover.org/governor.html and http://facebook.com/glover4governor. To volunteer with the Paul Glover Campaign for Governor of PA, please visit http://www.greenwaveofpa.com/home.The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party four pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please visit www.gpofpa.org. Follow GPPA on social media: Facebook, Green Party of Pennsylvania and Twitter, @GreenPartyofPA.