The Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP, has endorsed the Campaign to Stop the Drone Command Center,, which is planned for the 111th Fighter Wing of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard's station in Horsham, PA.
On May 22, Green Party member Lawrence Geller asked the GPOP General Membership Meeting to endorse the Campaign to Stop the Horsham Drone Command Center. Geller said, "It is incumbent upon those of us seriously opposed to our nation's insidious drone policy to let the government know that, as well as to educate the public. The Germans had their V-2 Rockets raining down on England during WW II, causing untold death and devastation. Are our drones any different? I, for one, do not think so, no matter how much Washington tries to justify it. The world does not need drones to kill people; it needs homes to house them."
Green Party members decided to endorse the Campaign and to organize against this new threat to the peace. The Greens recognized that all of the Republican and Democratic politicians in the Delaware Valley are supporting the Drone Command Center, but the voters are more wise. It is the task of the coalition to mobilize citizen opposition to drone warfare. Green Party spokesman Alex Gillette said that he does not "intend to release a statement on this issue."
Since 2009, the Green Party has objected to Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, in part, because of his use of drones to assassinate opponents abroad and the collateral damage to innocent civilians in those areas.
In 2012, Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President of the U.S., was the only candidate who opposed the use of drones. In her response to Obama's 2013 State of the Union, Stein had this to say:
"We need to end the wars for oil and other resources that have created a state of permanent, immoral and unaffordable war. That means not only withdrawing troops. We must also put an end to the draconian drone wars which create a threat to civil liberties and human rights everywhere. Their terrible toll in civilian casualties--including large numbers of women and children--has made them a powerful recruiting tool for the very organizations they are intended to destroy. Instead of leading the world in the proliferation of this dangerous, inhumane technology, we should be leading an international treaty to put an end to the use of drones as an instrument of war."
Hillary Kane, a GPOP delegate to the Green Party of Pennsylvania, said, "It's important that we stop the Horsham Drone Command Center before it gets started."
The Campaign has called for protests at the site of the future Drone Command Center at noon on the last Saturday of each month through September. The protests will take place next to the Air National Guard Station, located at Easton (Rt. 611) and County Line Roads in Horsham, PA. The Campaign will also lobby the Republican and Democratic politicians who support the Drone Command Center, and hold other educational events and town-hall meetings.
The Campaign was initiated by the Brandywine Peace Community and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). The Campaign has been endorsed by Catholic Peace Fellowship; Coalition for Peace Action; BuxMont Coalition for Peace Action; Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia; Green Party of Bucks County; Green Party of Montgomery County; Green Party of Philadelphia; LEPOCO (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern); Main Line Peace Action; Philly Against War; Philadelphia Catholic Worker; Veterans for Peace; and Vietnam Veterans Against the War. For more information about the Green Party of Philadelphia, please contact 215-243-7103.