Apparently, Phil Gramm is just as economically ignorant as his boss. You may recall the debate a few months ago where Ron Paul asked John McCain a question about economic policy. McCain went to the 'Deer-in-the-headlights' mode, did his best Porky Pig imitation, and then responded that he would rely on his 'Economic Advisors' for decisions on economic policy. The McCain camp has stated that Mr. Gramm 'doesn't speak' for John McCain- huh? As the McCain Campaign's top economic advisor, exactly who DOES he speak for- the Mickey Mouse 2008 Campaign?
Too many political elites like Gramm and McCain, as well as Obama and Clinton are doing so well personally, and are so insulated from what the average American worker and business owner is going through, that they can't see through their blinders even as the recession/depression hammers the American People into economic submission. If THEIR 401k and THEIR portfolio is sound, then why are all the peasants whining? It's this 'Let Them Eat Cake' attitude by the corporate and political elite (in both wings of the Demopublican/Republicratic MONEY Party) that has driven this once proud and prosperous republic into the economic ditch.
For the last eight years in Michigan, we have experienced a microcosm of what is now happening across the nation. The Demopublicans/Republicrats that run this state never saw a tax hike they didn't like! Through their determination to tax their way out of a recession, they have encouraged businesses, jobs and people to move out of the state in record numbers. Like Washington, they also refuse to cut spending ANYWHERE. to prove their point, they will threaten to cut Police, road repair and other vital services to 'convince' the sheeple that higher taxes are 'necessary. Of course, never do they actually cut their OWN budgets, or cut tax breaks and outright subsidies to the few politically connected industries that use the geir insider connections to squeeze money from the public and squeeze out competition from small an medium-size businesses! Through punitive taxation, over-regulation and wholesale selling off of influence in the State's Legislature, Courts and regulatory bodies to the large corporations, politicians have enriched the few at the top- at the expense of the vast (but shrinking) middle class. Large corporations continue to rake in profits while laying off thousands, as their quest for short-term profitability has inevitably resulted in small and medium businesses either cutting back, moving out of state (or out of the country!) or just closing up altogether. That plan has worked so well in Michigan, it apparently is now the template for the national economy.What wealth isn't being siphoned directly out of low and middle-income wage earners through excess taxation is being sucked out by outrageous fuel prices driven exorbitantly high by a combination of commodities speculation (which is probably industry-coordinated and a violation of anti-trust laws!), as well as an artificial supply shortage caused by a lack of oil refinery capacity orchestrated by the oil companies themselves! Twenty years ago there were 5 working oil refineries in Michigan with gas hovering at about $1.30 a gallon. Since then, the oil companies have bought up and closed down all but one of those refineries, and gas is over $4.00 a gallon. This pattern has been repeated throughout the country. It's quite convenient to blame supply and demand when you CONTROL both supply AND demand! As anyone even rudimentarily grounded in basic economics knows, fuel price spikes resonate throughout the economy, resulting in exponential rises in food and basic commodities and goods across the board and up and down the economic ladder. When you control a fully vertically integrated industry like the Energy Companies do, you can manipulate supply and demand to further whatever price points you wish- especially with government regulators and legislators in your back pocket!
But it is an election year, so their SHOULD be at least a small sop to gain the peoples' favor, right? What is the economic solution being proffered by our fearless leaders-in-waiting? Nothing less than the 'Carbon Tax' which will enrich the corporations and governments at the individuals and small businesses' expense. This ridiculous scheme (taxing a component of Earth's atmosphere as a 'pollutant') will do NOTHING to 'save' the environment. But it does act as a pretty efficient wealth redistribution vehicle! Governments and multinational corporations will see their bottom lines improve, while third-world and emerging nations will benefit as jobs, businesses and wealth flows out of the United States into their countries. Canada has just instituted such a tax, and the howls of protest coming from all sectors of the nation (excepting the Government and large corporations!) are deafening. People know a money-grabbing scam when they see one- especially if it's rammed down their throats!
So what are our choices? Tweedle-Dumb McCain who couldn't find his way out of a paper recession with an accountant and a flamethrower; and First-Term Senator Obama, whose economic prowess consists mainly of knowing how to manipulate the levers of power in the Chicago political machine is talking a lot but saying nothing productive or even substantive. 'Maverick' John McCain is beholden to just as many special interests as Barack-I-Wanna-Tax-You Obama. And neither has the fiscal or economic cajones to even know what to do to fix this mess- even if they weren't both in the back pocket of so many special interests.
Looks like the only 'Change' we are going to get this election cycle is what's left in our pockets after being economically raped by both big business and big government!