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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Recent Press Conference | United Nations

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Ukraine & other topics - Russian Foreign Minister Press Conference | United Nations Briefing reporters in New York, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Wednesday morning (24 Jan) Ukraine ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: United Nations)
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Ukraine, Palestine, Israel & other topics - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Press Conference | United Nations YESTERDAY AT THE PRESS BRIEFING AT THE U.N.



Note from Stephen Fox, Founder United Nations Santa Fe

Lavrov was considered by former New Mexico Governor and UN Ambassador William Blaine Richardson IIII Bill as a good friend, and when the now deceased Ambassador/Governor Richardson and I talked, Richardson mentioned that when he was not in government and was teaching at Harvard University in the JFK School of Government, he invited Sergei Lavrov to come to speak to his students! They were both UN Ambassadors at roughly the same time, eh?

[Netanyahu was a UN Ambassador about the same time, but that would be an entirely different article.]


I remind some of those who will read this that I am one of the few persons to ask questions of former President Mikhail Gorbachev when he came to Santa Fe just before the 2008 elections. I was the Managing Editor at that time of New Mexico Sun News, and went to the press conference at the Inn of Loretto.

Gorby was here to discuss his Ecological Organization: GREEN CROSS.

Barry Massey from Associated Press at that time, who is now the Press Officer for the Administrative Office of the Courts, asked Gorbachev what he thought of USA putting Intercontinental Ballistic Thermonuclear Weapons into Eastern Poland.

Gorbachev said that was a bad idea, taking about 20 seconds to reply. What a question, eh?

What did the Associated Press (still owned, I think, by Baron Rothschild) expect former Russian President and Nobel Peace Laureate Mikahil Gorbachev to say, "Oh, yes, all 200 million Russians are thrilled with the presence of those missiles...."?

I was the last person to able to ask a question; Gorbachev was late for some other function, a big jam-packed $500-a-person fundraiser for GREEN CROSS at Rio Chama Restaurant, but he liked my question so much, he took 23 minutes to answer it, entirely in Russian, which was simultaneously translated by body guard-translator-moderator of press conference.

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