Sandra Bullock (born July 26th, 1964 at 3:15 AM in Arlington, VA) is an American film actress. She came to fame in the 1990s, after roles in successful films like Speed, While You Were Sleeping, and one of her most recent film roles in 2005's Crash.
Sandra Bullock is a Gemini ascendant with ascendant degree at 17 degrees 10 minutes in Gemini sign. The ascendant lord Mercury is in Ketu's constellation in 7th house and Ketu is aspected strongly by 5th house lord Venus representing entertainment and movies. Ketu is also aspected by 6th house lord of separation and 11th house lord of gains and fulfillment of desires, Mars. The 10th house cusp falls in Aquarius at 26 degrees and 43 minutes (placidus house system). The 10th house lord of career and status in life, Saturn is in Rahu's constellation in ascendant. Rahu is in conjunction with 5th house lord Venus representing entertainment and movies. This explains that Sandra Bullock is a movie star and the career is related to entertainment business. She came to fame in the 1990s, after roles in successful films like Speed (1994) and While You Were Sleeping (1995) when she was running Jupiter main period and Venus sub period from May 1994 to Jan 1997.
Rahu is also in conjunction with the 6th house lord of separation and 11th house lord of gains and fulfillment of desires that is Mars. Venus the planet which rules the 5th house of entertainment business and 12th house of loss is in the constellation of Mars, the lord of 6th house of gains of money, and separation and 11th house of fulfillment of desires. This indicates financial gains through entertainment industry, but it also indicates problems in love life and marriage as Venus, the planet of love becomes a strong significator of 6th house and 12th house. Her chart is difficult for happiness in marriage as she has three planets, Moon, Mars, and Venus in the constellation of 6th house (separation, gains of money), and 11th house (gains, fulfillment of desires) lord Mars. This is very good for gains of money though entertainment business but bad for happiness in marriage and relationships because of 6th house connection. At present Sandra Bullock is in Saturn Main period, Venus sub period and Mars sub sub period. Both Venus and Mars are strong significators of 12th and 6th house which do not support good time in marriage and relationship. Transit Saturn from Virgo is aspecting the natal Rahu, natal Mars, and natal Venus in her ascendant sign Gemini when the infidelity issues came up in her marriage.
Jesse James is born on April 19th, 1969 at 5:50 AM Lynwood California. Jesse James is Aries ascendant with ascendant degree at 15 degrees and 55 minutes. Since Sandra Bullock has many planets in Mars constellation and Aries sign rules her 11th house of friendships. So she married someone whose ascendant lord is ruled by Mars. Sandra Bullock is Gemini ascendant and the ruler of her 7th house is Jupiter, as Sagittarius sign falls in her 7th house, so she met Jesse who was going through Jupiter main period in his chart. In Jesse James chart the lord of 7th house Venus is in 6th house (separation) lord Mercury's constellation, which is not good for matrimonial happiness. Venus the lord of 7th house is in 12th house of loss conjunct Rahu. Jesse is in Jupiter's mahadasha and Jupiter is with Ketu in Virgo in 6th house of separation. Transit Saturn is transiting in Virgo at this moment right on his mahadasha lord Jupiter and Ketu, also directly aspecting the 7th house lord Venus and Rahu in Pisces , and Jesse's ascendant lord Mars in Scorpio by its 3rd aspect at same time. The infidelity issues became public when transit Saturn was aspecting both the transit Venus, and natal Venus, the lord of 7th house in Jesse's chart, at same time in 2nd week of March this year. This is clearly a very evil time, and will lead to divorce very soon before Saturn completes its transit through Virgo sign.
Gurmeet Singh Astrologer