I have lately been thinking that we are coming down to the go/no-go moment in terms of preventing the Siberian methane tipping point from avalanching into unstoppable global warming.I have been thinking it is time for scientists around the world who trust their own global warming evidence to withdraw from the system that propagates the global warming.
Withdrawal from the system would be neither symbolic nor philosophical. Withdrawal would be sudden, total and drastic.
This would require great personal efforts on the part of the scientists, our families, teams, companies and organizations. But if withdrawal could critically disable the carbon economy, its earlier collapse would avoid even greater suffering from flood, draught and worldwide famine.
Abandoning modern culture proactively as a result of trusting scientific evidence would prove that human intelligence exists. To continue a carbon-hungry consumer lifestyle in the face of recent climate-change knowledge makes us no more intelligent than bacteria, consuming beyond the carrying capacity of their resources and dieing in their own wastes.
Withdrawal is simple and already proven to be effective. It is nonviolent noncooperation with whatever is nonsustainable. www.just-stop.org
This would include:
- quitting your job, because almost no organization including government and education are sustainable
- moving out of your house into off-the-grid housing, e.g. straw bale passive solar, etc.
- selling your car, changing to bicycle, public transportation, horse, and walking
- becoming basically vegetarian
- creating community, discovering and implementing sustainable culture
- growing most of your own food without fertilizers, pesticides, or tractors
- avoiding imported foods such as bananas, pineapples, apples from Argentina, spices, coffee, chocolate, sugar
- avoiding fast food chains that tend to abuse third world labor and resources, and pump money out of the local economy
- moving away from mainstream pharmaceuticals and learning alternative healing and preventative health care
- home schooling the children, learning together how to heal yourselves of TPP (Technopenuriaphobia Â- the fear of the loss of technology, as explained in the book Radiant Joy Brilliant Love www.radiant-joy.com).
- recognizing and accepting the Second Copernican Revolution, that people do not own the Earth; the Earth owns people
- relearning to make or grow most everything you need, shaving cream, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper, etc.
- shifting from the disposable mentality (throw away things when they break) to repairable mentality
- stopping air flights, boat trips, exotic vacations, reorienting towards pilgrimage, restoring nature, and local outdoor adventures by foot
- stopping use of plastics, packaging, newspapers, mail order catalogues (look in your garbage can to see the nonsustainable part of your lifestyle)
- refusing to make any garbage at all, recycling everything
- creating beauty in your built environment
- getting rid of most of your stuff, anything that you have not used during the past year
- avoiding TV and canned entertainment, and instead creating live theater, singing, story telling, legends, myths, building musical instruments, playing music, dance, art, poetry, transformational processes, healing and exploration of new territories of experience
- learning new communication skills, expanding one's abilities to be physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually intimate
- avoiding the paradigm of money and adopting a local paradigm of creating abundance through giving to each other
- selling stocks, securities and investments and dealing with the addiction to gambling
- divesting interest in buildings or land that is not personally inhabited
- directing time and energy towards befriending and nurturing children, plants and animals
- changing orientation so that work is about what matters rather than what pays
- taking back personal and local authority
- transforming the relationship to fear so as to be able to enter states of raw creation and invention
- implementing cultural innovations that develop each person's potential
- shifting from increasing having to increasing being
- reorienting towards personal development rather than personal possessions
- reorienting towards renewing the natural environment and appreciating the company of people
- reorienting from consuming towards experiencing and expressing love
If scientists, researchers and others who already see the perfect storm about to hit humanity trust their own findings and immediately and completely abandoned the system that generates the problems, perhaps the system would not continue. Then we Homo sapiens would have a chance to bear out our name.
What do you think about this?
What are you willing to say and do along these lines?
What practical steps will you take now? Next week? Next month?
What are the people you know willing to say and do about this?
It is for certain that most won't agree. Could you take action even if others won't?
How much longer will you wait before you replace talk with personal action?
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