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So What Does It Take?

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Don Scotten
Message Don Scotten

We vote for Republicans and we vote for Democrats and what does not change is the disparity in wealth and all that + provides between the few and the many. Seeking change here is why the many vote. Of course lip service paid to notions of fairness and justice and decency changes with the shift from one political party to the other but not the chasm in power and wealth between the few and the many. So what does it take to hold establishment democratic politicians to their lip service ? They 'always' have so many devices to explain their inability to deliver their promises--devices like the oh so handy Joe Manchin.

We know how this works. Establishment Democrats covet the offerings of their lobbyists and fear their threats to use that same money to remove them from office more than they fear us. Of course we are so weak-minded and easily manipulated we sink into the morass of democratic lip service as though it were unavoidable and desirable.

Of course it is not desirable and simply promotes the illusion of democracy which is the only kind of democracy you have ever known--consider that if you would. Establishment democrats must learn they need fear us, their constituents, more than their lobbyists and love their money. Politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and the rest have no need to fear nor respect us because they know that money has always bought elections and determined outcomes. Part of the 'fix' for establishment democrats is they tell us that if we do not vote for them we will get the republican who is owned by the same money as are the democrats.

This is why I say again and again that this is in our hands. Pelosi, Schumer and Biden are absolutely certain we possess not the intelligence, courage or will to throw them out and front lessor known souls who have loyalty only to us and to fairness and justice and decency. Clearly, we have to prove we are the better humans we need to create a better future for ourselves and this planet. Are We?

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I am an ordinary citizen who for the first sixty years of his life was mostly disinterested in politics. Then George Bush and Dick Cheney intruded into my consciousness and I realized politics is important and determines who lives and who dies. (more...)

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