The reason we are writing in Bernie is because he is the person who won the primary, and we believe in democracy. Even after all the election fraud we saw happening in state after state during the primaries, Bernie still won the first-floor vote at the DNC convention, and some observers say there were actually two floor votes that he won. It was only when the superdelegates were trotted out, representing no one but themselves and their corporate colleagues, that it was made to appear that Hillary had won the nomination. Not only did Bernie win the primary, all polls show Bernie coming in ahead of any other candidate in the general election, even when he's not technically running. Isn't that what our democracy is? The candidate that the most people want to have as president is the one who is voted into office?
Voting for Bernie is not a feel-good protest vote. Bernie still has a path to the White House. (The other progressive favorite, Jill Stein, does not have the possibility of winning in this election cycle.) The path is sometimes described as "opdeny270" and was first brought to widespread attention by Michael E. Sparks ("the independent thinker" on wordpress). To summarize this strategy: most states are winner-takes-all: whoever gets the most votes wins that state's entire Electoral College vote. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win. If Trump and Clinton are running neck and neck, as they currently are, one state going to Bernie could prevent either of them from getting the 270 votes. The most likely state for this to happen in is VT, where a polls conducted by write-in phonebankers a week ago showed Bernie significantly ahead of the other candidates (Bernie 48%, Hillary 11%, Trump 16% and Jill 5%). Although Michael E. Sparks originally called for the write-in campaign to focus on Vermont, it has since morphed into a much wider campaign, which includes all the states where state laws would allow a write-in for Bernie to be counted.
There are twelve states that will definitely count write-in votes even if the
candidate did not sign up or register. These are Vermont, CA, WI, WY, OR, WA,
AL, IA, NH, RI, NJ plus DC. The deny270 strategy is for people to vote for
Bernie in these states, and Jill Stein in the remaining ones, where votes for
Bernie will not count. If no one gets 270 votes, the vote for president then
goes to the newly-elected House of Representatives. There will be new
Berniecrats in office. The Republican leaders hate Hillary with a passion and
most of them have been denouncing Trump in recent weeks, since they feel he is
destroying their party. By law, they would have to choose from the top three
electoral vote-getters so that would leave Bernie. He has a unique ability to
appeal to people across party lines. (Some people have wondered why Jill Stein could
not end up in the third-place position for consideration in The Electoral
College? That won't happen. because at best, Jill Stein's supporters are hoping
she'll get 5-15% of the vote. She is largely unknown to most Americans and
there is no chance she will come in ahead of all other candidates in any of
these "winner-takes-all" elections.) The only other possible
Electoral College vote-getter would be McMullin in Utah, but the latest polls
do not show this to be a real possibility.
As far as the oft-heard refrain that "Bernie does not want to be president
any more," it's hard to for me to fathom how anyone can seriously believe
this. He sacrificed what are supposed to be his and Jane's relaxing retirement
years to campaign his heart out, giving sometimes two speeches a day to crowds
of thousands all over the country. Even his younger aides couldn't keep up. The
primary was stolen from him in many states and again at the convention. (Statisticians
at U.C. Berkeley and Stanford concluded that, based on the exit polls, the
possibility of Hillary having won the primary without election fraud were one
in 77 billion). Bernie got stomped--and, wanting to retain his position of power
in the senate, he endorsed Hillary. BERNIE NEVER DROPPED OUT OF THE RACE. He
never conceded to Hillary at the convention. He did not call for a vote by
acclamation, but instead recommended that Hillary be "selected" as
the nominee, a fitting way to describe the victory of someone who didn't
actually win. And when a write-in organizer recently called the FEC to see if
Bernie was still listed as a candidate, they replied "Yes he is. He would
have let us know if he was dropping out." Bernard Sanders is still listed
on their website as a candidate for President.
Although Bernie is unable to officially endorse the write-in effort without
losing his position in the senate if Hillary were to win, he did actually say
on video recently that he thought it would be fine if people in Vermont wrote
him in--which, as I explained above, is the key state for this strategy to be
successful. He also said on the Bill Maher show a couple weeks ago that he wishes
it was him that was campaigning for President all over the country right now
instead of Hillary. Doesn't sound like
someone who no longer wants to be President.
There are many other clues as to his true feelings, some of them coming from
Jane Sanders' tweets: When saboteur named Nicole Guerin, who was pretending to
be a write-in-Bernie organizer, announced to the world that she privately met
with Jane Sanders, and that Jane told her that people should not write in Bernie
(which caused tsunamis of despair to ripple across all the Bernie write-in
campaigns), Jane Sanders immediately sent out a tweet to set the record
straight. Jane said the story was completely fabricated, was untrue, and she
would never tell people not to support Bernie, or whom to vote for. A write-in
Bernie activist named Donald Kronos had a chance to talk to Bernie when he was
in CA last month. He told him he was a CA Bernie elector (Electoral College
electors are a CA technical requirement for a write-in vote for Bernie to be
counted), and Bernie responded with a yuuuuge smile and words of appreciation
and gratitude. You can see Donald Kronos' description of this encounter on
youtube, which he posted as an introduction to a clip of the Bill Maher tape I
mentioned previously.
I'll end my article by describing a dream that someone posted on facebook. She
was at a large legislative-like meeting, sitting next to Bernie Sanders.
Suddenly, in the middle of the solemn proceedings, she stood up and shouted
"Bring Back Bernie." And to her amazement all the legislators in the
room then stood up and shouted "Bring Back Bernie." The drumbeat is
growing. Whether he will be brought back via the Electoral College, or because
Hillary is indicted, or because the people demand that the true winner of the
primary be allowed to take his rightful place--many people still believe Bernie
will be our next President. There's still time for people, no matter where they
live, to phonebank to VT and the other key states (go to or There's still time to call the DNC. There's still time to vote,
and convince your friends to vote. Election-fraud investigators Greg Palast and
RFK Jr. recommend in "Steal Back Your Vote" that you go to your
elections office or other designated early-voting site to vote in person prior
to the actual day of the election, assuming that your state permits early
voting. If you signed up to be an
absentee voter and decide to vote in person, you need to bring the ballot you
received in the mail, and the return envelope it came with, plus your ID. In
some states, like CA, the write-in vote is actually entered on the envelope flap,
where there is a place designated for this.
In ancient days, presidents were chosen based on a bird augury--hence our word
inauguration. The bird tribe has already
indicated who our next President should be. Bernie took his campaign as far as he could
take it before he hit a brick wall. Now it's up to us to take it the rest of
the way.