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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 10/5/13

The Bad Guys in Kenya are the Good Guys in Syria?

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Lilly Martin
Message Lilly Martin

The world was captivated for four days, from September 21 until September 24, 2013.   The entire world was glued to their TV sets, watching innocent men, women and children being attacked, killed and some held hostage in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya.   We all felt like saying to ourselves, "That could be me, or my family."   The world is a small place, with CNN and various global media, what happens in one place, is news to everyone, and we can identify with people and families in far flung places, as if it was our own back yard.


Radical Islamic terrorists called Al Shabab, with long standing links with Al Qaeda, the most famous of all the Radical Islamic terrorist groups, had stormed the Westgate Mall.   They were vowing revenge.   They even said they wanted to kill non-Muslims, because of Muslims being attacked in other places.   "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth".




However, I was not so shocked or surprised when I watched those poor innocent people in Nairobi.   I am used to it.   I live in Syria and we have been under the same attack since March 2011 until present.   In the case of the Westgate Mall, the horrific story made headline news.   But, the same story lasting 2 - years here in Syria, is never shown on international media the same way.   You won't see my neighbors as they are attacked, raped, beheaded, mutilated, maimed and killed in Syria.   Where is the eye witness survivors in Syria with a microphone thrust into their face? The exact same Radical Islamic terrorists who killed, maimed and terrorized the innocent shoppers in Nairobi are here in Syria.   There is no difference in the two locations, victims or terrorists.   But in Nairobi the killing was stopped after four days, by the heroic Kenyan Army.   In Syria, those heroes who are saving us daily, and laying down their lives are the Syrian Arab Army.   Both Armies wear the same green camouflage uniforms, both carry the same weapons, and both represent the legitimate defense forces of their nation.


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Everyone waved, cheered and thanked the Kenyan Army for bringing the Westgate Mall attack to an end.   Where is the same cheers and thanks for the Syrian Arab Army?   Instead, we have the United States of America, and her global allies, supporting, funding and sending weapons to The Free Syrian Army.


The Free Syrian Army is linked with Jibhat al Nusra and Al Qaeda.   These are not freedom fighters.   These are multi-national Radical Islamic terrorists, the same as Al Shabab.


Why does the world cheer when the "bad-guys' in Westgate Mall get stopped, but insist that the exact same copy of those Radical Islamic terrorists inside Syria must be helped, supported, revered, loved and funded with money and weapons?

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I am an American living permanently in Syria. I am a human rights activist. I am a medical professional, and I write on events in Syria since March 2011 which I have witnessed myself.
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