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The Corporate Enslavement of America

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Jason Paz
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Does Nancy Pelosi Break the Kneecaps of Her Foes?
I just got angry every time I saw Joe McCarthy. He was so obvious in his evil. The modern fear merchants are more sophisticated, but also obvious. After 40 years of Republicanism, I should have thought the US public would have caught on to the McCarthy-like ploys.

FOX News raises the question. The FOX News researchers will tie the House Speaker to kneecap breaking. This is the tactic of guilt by association. In the Joe McCarthy era they had no laptops or Internet connections. The smear artists used blackboards and chalk. They wrote the names of persons and of organizations suspected of involvement. A simple chalk line was sufficient proof of connection and guilt.

Guilt by association is not rocket science. Indeed, it is much more effective than cumbersome scientific methods aimed at revealing great truth. In our experience, a lie can circle the globe before the truth gets out of bed.

When Democrats opened a drive for health care reform, the smear merchants responded with a rat's maze of misinformation, distortion and lying. The effort added new terms such as birthers and deathers, and used old ones such as Communist and Socialist. They carried assault rifles to town meetings to remind the voters of slain abortionists and whistle blowers.

While they raved, the reformers typed scholarly tracts on the history of rightist violence and assassination. Delighted with the delay and consternation they had caused, the smear merchants worked out new conspiracy theories to befuddle the hapless Democrats well into the fall.

Here is the most recent set of wild charges.

In Glenn Beck's mind, he has already avenged his loss of 62 sponsors taken from him by the Color of Change. The leader of the group has been dismissed by the Democrats. Another organizational thorn in Beck's side, Acorn, is under investigation by the Feds. Again, smear merchants care only about making charges. Whether they stick or not is of little importance.

These were only minor skirmishes. The next major target is the Service Employees International Union [SEIU] with 2.5 millions members. The largest organized labor group in the country, they played a key role in Democratic victories in New Jersey and Virginia. FOX News seeks to link the "discredited" Acorn group with the SEIU. They already have made a start as shown in the above video.

Thus, FOX has completed a tentative link between Nancy Pelosi and alleged union organizing knee cappers.

Here, we have seen the smear merchant techniques to vilify their opponents and to bring them into disgrace. How many will fall during this attack?

Why am I Writing All This?

In America, most of our consumers are workers. When employers succeeded to ruin collective bargaining for organized labor, they forced the laborers to borrow to maintain consumption levels. When they negated the Glass-Steagall Act, they allowed the financial sector to loot the country. Still, the sector runs amok no chance for much needed regulation. Eventually, the stimulus package may have a positive effect on employment. Without single payer, though, health reforms won't spur employment. The final smear target is the Employee Free Choice Act. It allows employees to join labor unions and to resume collective bargaining. This is the only way for the consumer/worker to correct the economic imbalances that have been a major part of our collapse as a nation.

The enslavement of the American citizen

Three generations ago the CIA began the Nazification of the system through mind control. In worked fine to develop brain-washed Secret Agents, sex slave honey traps and television newscasters. These zombies worked wonders in Washington DC among the high officials. The methodology proved too expensive to use on the great unwashed masses. The leaders then experimented with information control filtering it through the press and the media. The system was incomplete, as there was always a trickle of free thinkers and malcontents who seeped through the media net.

The installation of worldwide wage slavery

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Born a month before Pearl Harbor, I attended world events from an early age. My first words included Mussolini, Patton, Sahara and Patton. At age three I was a regular listener to Lowell Thomas. My mom was an industrial nurse a member of the (more...)
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