Ami Ayalon arrived with credentials; a former Labor Party member in the Israeli Knesset, he gains attention by having previously been commander-in-chief of the navy and head of the Shin Bet, Israel's secret service. The former intelligence agent also arrived with publicity. His Blue White Future organization ( http://bluewhitefuture.org ) "that seeks to help achieve a two-state solution, and has developed a radical new unilateral approach to achieve this goal," so as to maintain a Jewish majority in Israel and keep its blue/white Star of David flag, received space in a New York Times article: Peace Without Partners, By Ami Ayalon, Orni Petruschka and Gilead Sher , April 23, 2012
Add suspicion to the agenda. Note that other Labor party figures, identified with the "peace process," fired up many and disillusioned all. Recall President Shimon Peres, "father" of the settlements, General and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, originator of ":break the bones of Palestinians" during the 1990 Intifada, and former Knesset member Yosef Beilin's Geneva Initiative , " a permanent status agreement based on previous official negotiations, international resolutions, the Quartet Roadmap, the Clinton Parameters, and the Arab Peace Initiative," whose program had no accomplishments. All were members of a Labor Party that, despite its calls for "peace initiatives," promoted the settlements, the major obstacle to negotiations.
Ayalon's Peace Without Partners approach maintains that the "greatest threat to the nation is disappearance of the Zionist entity.
The details of a six point plan:
(5) The IDF will remain in the West Bank until the conflict is officially resolved by a final-status agreement
(6) A Law of National referendum will decide the Israeli population acceptance of the plan.
Coordinated Palestinian acceptance will complete the process -- two nations for two peoples and all disputes mutually resolved.
Another benefit - from this approach "the international community will see
A disingenuous plan, with built in obstacles.
The "show stoppers" are so definitive that success with the plan is dubious.
Will any Israeli leader want to have his/her name recorded in history as acquiescing to the halt of the Israeli initiative to control all of Biblical Israel and having relinquished land to the Palestinians?
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