/>Economics reporter Fred Harrison is back with a new video interviewing our Georgist economics colleague, Kris Feder from Bard College. Feder shows succinctly how a tax on land, and not on improvements, can foster healthy, sustainable growth, eliminate boom/bust speculation, and virtually end unemployment; Feder speaks of how we treat Labor as if it's scarce and Land as if it's plentiful, as well as conflating it incorrectly with Capital (which can be created, while Land cannot). Land is finite, while it is Labor that is over-abundant - as shown by the high unemployment/underemployment numbers. This is exactly the opposite of what our present economic policies imply, and one of the major reasons for our present economic retardation. - Ed. Scott Baker
Fred Harrison:
Governments can align their policies with people's private goals by
abolishing anti-social taxes, argues Professor Kris Feder. Re-aligning behavior to flow with the grain of both nature and our human nature is
achieved by removing the financial bias against those who work for their
Fred Harrison is Research Director of the London-based Land Research
Trust. He is a graduate of University College, Oxford, where he read
Politics, Philosophy & Economics. He also studied for the MSc at
Birkbeck College, London (1973-74).
His first book, published in 1983, The Power in the Land, introduced his concept of the eighteen year business cycle based on land value fluctuations.
His activities revolve around three core campaigns:
Truth in Politics
Fred campaigns for honesty in politics. In his forthcoming book, The
Renegade Economist, he exposes the myths and falsehoods espoused by
"experts who claim to represent the people and the truth.
Truth in Economics
Fred was the only (more...)