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Fred Harrison is Research Director of the London-based Land Research
Trust. He is a graduate of University College, Oxford, where he read
Politics, Philosophy & Economics. He also studied for the MSc at
Birkbeck College, London (1973-74).
His first book, published in 1983, The Power in the Land, introduced his concept of the eighteen year business cycle based on land value fluctuations.
His activities revolve around three core campaigns:
Truth in Politics
Fred campaigns for honesty in politics. In his forthcoming book, The
Renegade Economist, he exposes the myths and falsehoods espoused by
“experts†who claim to represent the people and the truth.
Truth in Economics
Fred was the only economist to predict the economic crisis of 1992
and the global financial crisis of 2007 – 10 years before they happened.
In 1983, in The Power in the Land, he warned that the global turmoil of 1974 would be followed by the crisis of 1992.
“By 2007 Britain and most of the other industrially
advanced economies will be in the throes of frenzied activity in the
land market…Land prices will be near their 18-year peak… on the verge of
the collapse that will presage the global depression of 2010.
The two events will not be coincidental: the peak in land prices not
merely signalling the looming recession, but being the primary cause of
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, January 6, 2014 The Muting of our Minds
Economics reporter Fred Harrison is back with a new video interviewing our Georgist economics colleague, Kris Feder from Bard College. Feder shows succinctly how a tax on land, and not on improvements, can foster healthy, sustainable growth, eliminate boom.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 24, 2013 Rent is 50% of a Nation's Income. Time to Collect it?
To create a modern society based on freedom we need a financial system built on a clear understanding of the borders between
Ø what the individual citizen may retain as private property, and
Ø what must be recognized as the property of society.
The tragedy of the West is that a few people (the feudal aristocracy) privatized the rents that people generated. Series: Land Rent (4 Articles, 5506 views)
(67 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Can We REALLY Scrap Taxes?
Nations lose fortunes because of the taxes that penalize people who work and invest. Those taxes should be scrapped, argues Fred Harrison, with public services funded out of rent. Nobel laureate Milton Friedman explains why tax-dodging corporations cannot evade public charges on land rents. Winston Churchill also voices his support, but the Battle of the Budget was the one war he lost.
SHARE Friday, August 9, 2013 Fred Harrison: Treason Part 3: The Temple of Doom - Video
The green agenda has been hijacked, reveals Fred Harrison. To inflate corporate profits, the last of the commons (oceans and heaven) are being privatized in in a financial scam that will create the Land Barons of the 21st century. Planet Earth is being converted into a Temple of Doom. It will take a new social contract with nature to prevent the looming ecological disaster.
SHARE Wednesday, August 7, 2013 The Killing Fields (Documentary - Pricing for an eco-friendly society)
The Killing Fields is a documentary highlighting the importance that economics and taxation plays in wildlife conservation. The Film, Directed by Carlo Nero and produced in conjunction with the Team behind Geophilos. The Film explores the relationship between Wildlife, Land, taxation and Law. The film Documents how the introduction of Land Value Tax would give value to Wildlife and ensure Its protection. Series: Land Rent (4 Articles, 5506 views)
SHARE Thursday, August 1, 2013 Treason 2: The Crucible of Terror
Capitalism is built on a Royal Act of sacrilege, reports Fred Harrison. The historic injustice created a statecraft of greed and the financial model on which modern nations are built. This legitimized the violent streak in capitalism. In Part 2 of The Treason Trilogy, Harrison explains that current policies will not defeat the War on Terror. Series: Land Rent (4 Articles, 5506 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Treason Part 1: Casino Capitalism
Adam Smith branded those who pocketed the nation's rents as "The Public Enemy". But today, governments celebrate the privatisation of the income that we all help to create. The result, reports Fred Harrison in Part 1 of The Treason Trilogy, is a house of cards built on debt. He forecasts the next property boom/bust, and accuses politicians of betraying their duty of care to their people. Series: Land Rent (4 Articles, 5506 views)