The antigovernment movement in Iran has evolved to an all-time revolution.
It all started with a savage murder of a 22-year-old lady in the hands of "Morality Police". Within a day or two the country blow up like a barrel of gun powder. Contrary to previous uprisings this time the main participants were female teenagers. Then quite rapidly just about everyone from every corner of most cities joined the kids. For the first time in the Islamic Republic history, women put their compulsory head scarf on fire and put up a good fight against the revolutionary guards.
Last weekend about 200 cities in the country were like battlefields. Last Saturday Iranian people of about 150 major cities outside of Iran joined the uprising by participation in huge demonstrations. The largest one of these events were in Toronto and Paris. The Police reports of Canada estimated the number of Participants to more than 50,000 people. In the United States there were huge demonstrations in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.
It was simply awe inspiring to see these millions of people rejecting the Islamic Republic, chanting "death to the dictator", "death to Khamenei" and demanding a referendum. While women were putting all their Islamic scarfs on fire and dancing in the streets and even on top of the cars stopped in traffic, men and women were putting fire to the Ayatollah Khomeini and Khamenei's pictures. The huge governmental banners and large pictures of Khamenei were taken down and burned, the revolutionary guards were exhausted running from one city to another to sequester the uprisings.
As expected, the government came up with an all-out assault on "Sharif University" in Tehran and killed an unknown number of students, beat up most others who were trapped in a parking lot and arrested hundreds of students. This move was accompanied by the Ayatollah Khamenei's ranting and raving on the national T.V. He was minimizing people's movement and blamed Americans for everything. He also had prepared a long list of his enemies, most of whom do not exist anymore.
While we were saddened by the killings, the little mid school kids started their own rebellion yesterday. The Female kids burned their scarfs, pictures of the Ayatollahs and chanted death to the dictator. The teen age boys joined the girls and raised hell in the city, closing down the schools. They tore up The pictures of the Ayatollahs and put them on fire.
Amazingly, all these movements are spontaneous, there is minimal local leadership and fortunately politicians are absent.
The European Union and the Biden administration are siding with Iranian people. It should be added that all feminist organizations and famous intellectuals of the world like Noam Chomsky are supporting the rebellion. The Iranian government is totally isolated in the world.
One can claim that the Islamic ideology has lost its political, intellectual and traditional power, at the same time the government is dealing with losing growing numbers of its political weapon the "revolutionary guards".
(Article changed on Oct 05, 2022 at 11:13 AM EDT)
(Article changed on Oct 05, 2022 at 11:41 AM EDT)