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The actual goals of US political Parties, and hope for the near future

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Lew Weingarth
Message Lew Weingarth

Let's strip off the BS and look at the actual goals of US political parties.

The US has two political parties. Technically, there are more, but the "winner takes all" laws of vote counting completely exclude 49.9% of the population from representation in government. Instead, we are told "XXX may not represent anything you believe in but at least XXX is better than YYY". Having nobody to vote FOR, we are told why to vote AGAINST XXX or YYY. It has only been this way since the corrupt SCOTUS legalized bribery again, starting in 1976/78 decisions, and really nailed down in 2010.

The true goals of the Republican and Democratic Parties make sense when you realize legal bribery makes bribery the main thing EITHER party cares about.

The Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of a small cadre of very rich people and foreign governments who want the US government's main goal being increasing their personal wealth. Unfortunately, most of their owners aren't very clever, so they believe that destroying the US government is the right way to go, in particular it's REALLY stupid for foreign powers to think harming the USA helps them. They are TERRIFIED the majority will take their wealth, and by decreasing the standard of living and economic strength of the USA, they are probably going to make that assumption correct. If they were 1956 Republicans, or just reasonably smart, they would be seeking to increase the productivity of Americans, which means improve education, health, and most important, INCOME, because the US has a consumer driven economy, the more the majority has to spend, the more skims off the top for the rich, and positive US performance HELPS foreign competition. Effectively, right now, the Republican Party is trying to destroy the USA while telling low knowledge voters they are saving it, but in reality they aren't against the US, that's just what makes the thickest envelopes.

The Democratic Party is quite jealous of the money the Republicans get from their owners, and is constantly seeking richer owners for themselves. It's a mess, with most voters being "traditional" Dems who want to increase the productivity of Americans and the profitability of US businesses by improving education, health, and aggregate demand, but also pushing to replace stodgy high cost monopolies/oligopolies with dozens of dynamic small businesses, since small businesses lower cost to consumer, maximize technical performance, and contribute more to aggregate demand. The Democratic Party isn't interested in doing anything their voters want, voters are simply a path to power that can subsequently be ignored. The party leadership is totally focused on gaining power and thickening their envelopes. You can bet if a DEMOCRATIC performer came along as vile and ignorant as Trump but also as talented at entertaining, they would dump Biden.

There is hope. Since Bernie came on the scene, we've seen the Dems in the Senate go from 98% corrupt to "only" 96%, but we've also seen 40% of the Democrats in the House replaced with non-corrupt "Justice Democrats", or "Progressives", who are actually center-right and would fit into the conservative wing of the 1956 Republican Party.

I believe we will see Republican Party voters stop being mindless sheep supporting vicious sociopaths and grifters who are destroying the USA, and begin realizing that they were once a progressive party that IMPROVED the USA with some brilliant private sector policies like adding a 91% top tax bracket to increase profitability and productivity of corporations.

I believe we will see Democratic Party voters continue to realize that they were once a progressive party that IMPROVED the USA, and continue the transformation of the Democratic Party into a party that represents Americans. That may not work out well without a conservative party to counterbalance, but we would be better off with no rich people than mass starvation and food riots.

I believe we will return to the 1950s, when Republicans and Democrats shared the same goals, (after all, the major problems are OBVIOUS) with the only argument being how to achieve those goals. I remember those days, we could do the R idea or the D idea and one would work better but they BOTH worked.

Why do I believe? Simple, Bernie had 80% of Americans supporting his platform [though not necessarily Bernie] in 2016 and still today, and one of the main reasons Trump got close enough in 2016 to cheat was because Trump largely adopted Bernie's platform. Since Bernie was once again kicked aside this year for a candidate voters don't want, we can expect Trump to once again pick up Bernie's platform and we can expect a BUNCH of low knowledge people to buy it. Helped by DNC efforts to convince 2/3 of D voters to sit out the election, we can expect 4 more years of Trump, which means 4 more years of pandemic and a second Republican Great Depression, but we are sort of used to it already. When it gets bad enough, we may see an uprising similar to the protests against trading US lives for opium in Vietnam.

Maybe after 4 more years of Trump and the Republican Party destroying the USA, we can increase the non corrupt part of the Democratic Party to 51% and once again have at least one party who represents what Americans want.

Or, TODAY, RIGHT NOW, the DNC could become the party of FDR, JFK, and LBJ and win by such massive landslides that once again the Republican Party is FORCED to start representing Americans, like in the 1950s. OK, someone must have slipped LSD in my coffee, but I'm an optimist.

See this article in Politifact for a look at 1956 Republican, and 2020 Bernie, goals.


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Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with MBA training in international business. 35 years working all over the world. Expert in power plants, energy, oil. I have been to about 150 countries total, spent at least a week in about 110, (more...)

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