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The real news scores a win

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Score one for the good guys.

In a time when (1.) "fake news" is thrown around routinely as a way to delegitimize real reporting by real journalists while (2.) social media is awash in actually fake news produced by fake journalists and (3.) the airwaves are polluted by well-funded "media" outlets pushing outright lies, all to support the propaganda machine of the Trump Republican Party, The Washington Post recently provided a lesson in what has historically been considered basic journalism ethics in America.

Actually, The Post staff with major help from The New York Times gave Post management a lesson in basic American journalism.

In brief, they forced the ordained new editor of The Post to change his mind about taking the job because, well, it's always more pleasant to work with people who like you and who share your principles and ethics. Or, in this case, lack thereof.

Robert Winnett, the Post editor-to-be, announced that he's decided to stay in England, where his brand of "journalism" is accepted and (by some) even admired, rather than come to The Post, whose staff was in revolt over his selection.

That's because Winnett was involved in a scandal that engulfed British newspapers years ago in which stories based on hacked or stolen phone and business records or records purchased from a data information company were published to embarrass prominent politicians and celebrities. Lawsuits followed.

Those practices are frowned upon by legitimate American news organizations and have been for a long time. Winnett denied taking part in those activities, but both The Post and The Times published articles quoting individuals involved in those sensationalized stories saying Winnett was in it.

Indeed. So was his almost new boss, Post CEO and publisher Will Lewis, who was, in fact, Winnett's actual boss at The Sunday Times, a Rupert Murdoch newspaper across the pond. Lewis was reported to have assigned Winnett to do one of those hit jobs.

Still, Lewis did manage to get hired as the top dog in Washington. Apparently, The Post's new owner, Jeff Bezos, didn't notice or didn't care that the British style of "journalism", as practiced most outrageously in America by Murdoch-owned Fox News on TV and to a lesser extent The New York Post, wasn't acceptable for major American media, especially those with a reputation for fairness and ethical practices, like The Washington Post.

Bezos, who turned Amazon into a mega profit machine, is understandably concerned that The Post is losing money. Maybe he never considered all the advertisers that newspapers lost when businesses flocked to the Internet to companies like Amazon to promote their products.

In any event, Bezos wants The Post to establish a third news-gathering wing, presumably centered on the Internet. Lewis wanted Sally Buzbee, the Post's former top editor, to take over that new job, but she properly took it as a demotion and resigned. The Times and Post stories story on Winnett followed. Hence, the search for a new editor. (A new publisher wouldn't be bad either.)

Back in London, Chris Evans, top editor at The Daily Telegraph, Winnett's current newspaper, sent a message to his staff saying, "I am pleased to report that Rob Winnett has decided to stay with us. As you all know, he's a talented chap, and their loss is our gain."

Well, chaps of a feather do stick together.

In any case, the hope here is that Lewis and Bezos and others at The Post who maybe were thinking of taking part in some form of UK "hit job" journalism get the message: The First Amendment protection afforded the press in this country in the Constitution is not a license to lie, cheat, steal or in any other unethical way ruin people's lives for the sake of selling more newspapers or getting more clicks on social media.

Not yet at least.

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Bob Gaydos is a veteran of 40-plus years in daily newspapers. He began as police reporter with The (Binghamton, N.Y.) Sun-Bulletin, eventually covering government and politics as well as serving as city editor, features editor, sports editor and (more...)

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f*ck'em all, I say. I have time to read it all as a retired 80ish literary descendent, from Frances Hodgson Burnett, words are my soup.I end up composing my own take.

As for journalism and politics in general, these days I imagine one is compromised the minute one steps onto the stage; and I do mean "STAGE". Theatre has subsumed reality, whatever that is.

Submitted on Sunday, Jun 30, 2024 at 11:03:01 AM

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