Hello from Radioland: VoteRescue Radio, Where Citizens Count, One Vote at a Time!
Friday, September 26th, from 6 - 8 pm, we are proud to welcome JONATHAN SIMON, co-founder of the Election Defense Alliance (EDA - www.electiondefensealliance.org ) and dedicated election integrity activist from Boston. In our first hour, we'll be talking again with PENNY LANGFORD FREEMAN, longtime District Political Director, caseworker and campaign manager for Ron Paul, and possible candidate for governor of Texas in 2010! We also plan on getting another update on illegal purging of Texas voters from our return guest MIKE CONWELL!
More on Jonathan Simon: Jon is a graduate of Harvard College and New York University School of Law, and a member of the Bar of Massachusetts. As a result of his prior experience as a political survey research analyst in Washington, Dr. Simon became an early advocate for an exit poll-based electoral "burglar alarm" system, independent of media and corporate control. He has subsequently focused on developing election forensics protocols appropriate to the new technology of computerized voting systems.
Jonathan will be discussing how pollsters are building parameters into their pre-election polls which bring their them into closer conformity with the anticipated shifted results. That is, as elections consistently display a significant “red shift” toward the Republican candidate (or the candidate favored by the right-wing interests that appear to have virtually exclusive capacity to manipulate the electronic vote-counting apparatus), pollsters, who remain in business by “getting it right” rather than by methodological purity, have seen fit to introduce sampling parameters that anticipate and mirror the mysterious Election Day "red shift".
More on Penny Langford Freeman: Penny is a fourth-generation rancher/farmer who worked for Congressman Ron Paul as his District Political Director, Caseworker and Scheduler for 10 years. While representing the Congressman before many forums, she became a spokesman for the Americanist cause in her own right. She currently owns Revolution Consulting, an independent political consulting agency. She and her husband also own an equine health facility, Liberty Oak Ranch on the Gulf Coast. They have eight children ranging in ages from 15 to 34. Penny has a lot of political savvy and gives a fun and fascinating interview. Penny may be joined by her colleague Carol Jones. We'll be talking with Penny about election integrity in general, and how stolen elections tie in with the current economic crisis.
VoteRescue Radio can be heard on the radio in the Austin area at 90.1 FM, is streaming live on www.wtprn.com (for "We the People Radio Network"), AND can be heard OVER THE PHONE at 512/485-9010! All shows are archived at the above web site, usually within a couple of hours after 8pm CDT. The call-in number for the show is: 512-646-1984.
Hope to "see" and hear you "On the Air" Friday!
WE ARE WINNING--because of citizens like YOU!!
With thanks for your support,
Vickie and Karen
Vickie Karp is a realtor, a writer, a speaker, an activist, and a patriot from Austin, Texas. She is active in Coalition for Visible Ballots.