work at Hanford in Richland, WA, began in 1962, the dawn of
computer science when software engineers used punch cards
and paper tape to communicate with mammoth machines. Tony's
Work Experience at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation provides
a look at the jobs he did while employed at Hanford. Many
contractors came and went, but Tony stayed. Tony began his
work with the General Electric Tech Grad program and moved
on to working at N Reactor, data processing, minicomputers,
microcomputers, robots, and troubleshooting computer
hardware and software problems. He retired in 1996, just as
the Internet was gaining speed.
Tony's Work Experience: At the Hanford Nuclear Reservation
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Kindle Edition and Paperback are available on Amazon.
Profits from the sale of this book will be donated equally to:
The B Reactor Museum Association (BRMA)
and The Hanford Reach Museum