Dear Representative Pelosi: On your recent trip to India, you made a statement to the effect that we will lose all moral authority to speak on behalf of human rights anywhere in the world if we do not speak out against China's oppression in Tibet. I regret to inform you that the United States has no Moral Authority or Credibility.
The only way for the United States to achieve some moral authority and credibility is to treat all people and nation-states of the world the same under international law. Saying that we are "a nation of laws" is being a hypocrite when the laws are not enforced the same on all people and nation-states. As a leader of the House you need to start restoring our credibility and moral authority by requiring that Israel abide by ALL international laws and United Nations resolutions.
In addition, all people in the United States government whether elected, appointed, hired, or part of a study group or think tank which affects or attempts to affect United States Policy must be 100% citizens of the United States, are not political refuges or the children of political refuges. Anyone who has a dual citizenship, are political immigrates, or the children of political immigrates are unlikely to always represent the best interests of the United States. Who were the advisors to the President that pushed for the invasion of Iraq? Who were the advisors to the Senators who did not read the reports about Iraq, but relied on their trusted advisors?
Donald Rumsfeld, when Secretary of Defense, made the statement: "But some seem not to have learned history's lessons."[1] This is probably the most profound statement made by Rumsfeld. Look at what happened in Europe when Britain gave the Nazis land that did not belong to Britain. Look at what is happening in the Middle East since land was taken from the Palestine People and given to the Jews for the creation of Israel. This land was taken by the the Irgun and Lehi organizations [2]. These terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in a deadly attack during the Nurenberg Trials to hold the Nazis accountable for their crimes.
The actions of Israel today are giving Jews and the United States [4] a bad name.
When Iraq invaded Kuwait, Iraq's violations of international law and United Nations Resolutions were used to justify invading Iraq and forcing them back to their international boundaries. Israel illegally invaded Palestine and still illegally occupies Palestine land and the United States sides with Israel by providing financial aid which helps maintain this illegal occupation [5].
Israel treats the Palestine people inhumanely [6].
Israel kills an American with a United States-provided caterpillar when she tried to keep the Israelis from destroying Palestine homes [7].
Israel shoots an American protester in the West Bank during a peaceful protest [8].
Israel strafes and bombs the American Ship USS LIBERTY [9].
Israel drops cluster bombs on the women and children of Lebanon [10], decimates Lebanon infrastructure (a lot of it built with US Tax Dollars) with bombs, and creates the worst-ever environmental disaster in the Mediterranean by the bombing of a power plant in Lebanon and sending thousands of tons of fuel gushing into the sea[11]. The United States did not sit idly by this time, in its worse yet disgrace, the President and Congress went out of their way to show their approval of these austerities [12].
Israel has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and has unregulated Nuclear Weapons [13]. The Nuclear Material and triggers may have been smuggled from the United States, yet there goes another 3 Billion United States Tax Dollars to Israel [14].
When the Nazis continued to violate international law after land was taken from Czechoslovakia and given to them, they were forced to accept unconditional surrender. Land was taken from Palestine and given to Israel and they continue to violate International Law. Therefore, they should be forced to accept unconditional surrender.
When you became leader of the United States House of Representatives, you made the statement "As I said to my colleagues, as we say in church, 'Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with us.' Let the healing begin." When are you going to start using YOUR Moral Authority? Is the United States Government being bribed, (Nuclear) blackmailed, or have all its leaders been hypnotized?