Today's pro-war media claims Noam Chomsky has got his facts wrong about Soviet citizens access to Western news. However, western media from the Cold War era backs up Chomsky statements. How critical was this western news to bringing down the USSR?
- "Some 52 million people in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe tuned in weekly to the Voice of America in the early 1980s. That was approximately half of VoA's global audience at the time.
- "The Soviet war in Afghanistan apparently did not stop people from listening to Western broadcasts. In 1984, 40% of the urban population received information on the war in Afghanistan from Western radio, and in 1987 it was 45%.
- "In the contemporary United States, however, this is not permitted. We cannot have people listening to the enemy in times of war."
Today's total blackout of news critical of the WAR in Ukraine from either Russia or WAR critics like Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Lee Camp and Abby Martin has been totally blocked. Controlling access to war details by US citizens is critical to keeping citizens from opposing WAR as happened with the Vietnam. How critical would such news be to bringing PEACE to Ukraine?
- "Protesting the war led many to question the social and political systems that produced such wars, and activists tied their critiques to issues of capitalism, racism, economic exploitation, and women's and gay liberation."
But alas, WAR is more profitable than PEACE. Hiding details on peaceful possibilities or "critiques of issues" will continue.
YES! Putin was wrong for invading Ukraine just as USA was wrong for invading Iraq. In both cases, choices existed, but the peaceful options were hidden/suppressed by war monger lies to get citizen support and funding for WAR! Here is some news from Australia on the proxy WAR in Ukraine.
(Article changed on Sep 02, 2022 at 1:58 PM EDT)