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(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 13, 2023 My Authoritarian GOP Reps and Their TN GOP 'Heroes' are an Abusive Minority
As with all abusers, you blame the powerless for your harmful treatment of them. You claim you are the 'real' victim. You make this claim in spite of all your wealth, power and protection from any possible prosecution for your persistent abuse of those not like you.
(13 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 5, 2023 Regardless of Any Rationale for Starting or Sustaining WAR - "Our humanity is at stake."
We shouldn't be so distracted by Putin's changing rationale for WAR. We should be focused on quickly ending the death and destruction of Ukraine, restoring it to an independent state and eliminating the growth in wealth and power of the those who benefit significantly from WAR.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 21, 2023 People of Ukraine MUST come before the profiteers of WAR
I support Ukraine by promoting PEACE efforts that will minimize/end the death and destruction in Ukraine. The sooner the better. I oppose WAR efforts that extend the continued death and destruction in Ukraine.
(11 comments) SHARE Friday, January 6, 2023 Moderate Republicans DON'T Exist - Witness Domestic Terrorists in the People's House!
Even the fringe of the fringe, represented by "Big Lie" promoter, Ginny Thomas, is falsely labeling the Republican fringe, represented by Keven McCarthy, as "moderates" just to make themselves, the fringe of the fringe, seem less extreme.
(6 comments) SHARE Monday, September 26, 2022 Lesser Evilism - Keeping Resistance to The Greatest Evil From a Unified Demand
Mass unity, participation and vigilance by The Social Better is mandatory to permanently disempower the right-wing authoritarian Greatest Evil in all future elections. The Greatest Evil, oligarchs, has multi-millions in monied speech. The abused have hundreds of millions of votes.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 1, 2022 WAR Critics And Whistleblowers Expose WAR Mongers Lies That Hide PEACE
YES! Putin was wrong for invading Ukraine just as USA was wrong for invading Iraq. In both cases, choices existed, but the peaceful options were hidden/suppressed by war monger lies to get citizen support and funding for WAR!
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Right-wing Wackos Beat Lefties to The Punch - Defund The FBI
"Defunding" of the FBI or our local police is one way to drawing attention to a problem. The real problem, however, is sanctioning citizen abuse and death with public funds. That has to change!
SHARE Monday, August 1, 2022 Preserving Our Democracy - Allegiance To a Nation OR Forming a More Perfect Union
On the one hand, patriotism divides citizens into multiple factions based on variable notions of a nation and its history. On the other, a citizenship oath could more effectively unify voting citizens with all the others in our democratic election process to focus more citizens on forming a more perfect union.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 9, 2022 Neocon Knees Crushing The Neck of Peace
The main message of the neocons is that the US must predominate in military power in every region of the world, and must confront rising regional powers that could someday challenge US global or regional dominance, most important Russia and China.
SHARE Monday, July 4, 2022 In 2030, Will We Still Be Celebrating July Fourth?
We have a long history of peaceful Executive leadership change after presidential elections. However, we've just seen, 1/6/2021, how fragile that transition has become. In addition, rich and powerful authoritarians are taking steps to completely break that peaceful change process.