halfway to heaven : child on a staircase, marseilles, france (2014)
(Image by torbakhopper) Details DMCA
In the sea there's no drop. Unless it's taken out of its primordial abode.
Similarly, we, in quintessence, are never out of "It"--out of "What Is." All is one indivisible whole. This Oneness of Everything is the "That" which the enlightened beings address as IT.
As meditating beings seek "That Which Is," or the Ultimate Truth, the "lesser understanding" of their consciousness often allows them in due time to "see things." They experience or witness gods or divine figures that are either of their own making or about whom they have heard, knowingly or unknowingly. Usually, an intermediate meditating seeker, as a result of prolonged practice in remembrance of the Divine, is at one time or another "blessed" by sightings of ethereal entities or places. But such sightings are only the residual "baggage" of the seeker's own inherited "isms," faiths or belief systems.
This realm of the lesser understanding is where messiahs and religions are born.
Those who mistake these beginning "lower" visions for the end-all of their quest for Ultimate Truth may be entirely sincere, though mediocre, beings. It is not as if they are lying when they claim to have experienced the IT. It's just that they start talking about their experience from a low level of understanding. There's a lot more to it than they know. Much, much more.
The true "chosen," or "blessed," seeker is one who follows all the rules of Oneness, especially non-violence toward "lower" beings, which he demonstrates by neither killing nor eating them. Such a seeker is taken "ahead" in time, if it be his or her karma.
In the pure consciousness of being, a worshiping devotee--not one attached to this or that "ism" or deity, but to the Truth of the Whole--will, if it be his or her destiny, be embraced by the "Isness" of What Is as naturally as a river contains water.
Visions abound. And suddenly one day, in a "non-existent" moment of nothingness, when it is least expected, the being witnessing surreal visions in a "non-happening" "As If," will find himself in the "Vision" of the Single Eye. In the true "Is-ness" of this happening, the seeker will find his own self to be the Self of the "All That Is." When he looks around, now sharing the nature of the Thing-in-Itself, he sees that his "I" is the same as all he surveys. His own self is the All-ness of the Whole of What Is.
Thus, there are no individual souls, as such!
All is One--the Single, Indivisible, Immanent "emptiness" and "fullness" of the Universal Oneness. Whatsoever is, here or "there," is but One Self. There's no separate "soul" in you or me! The "end" found by Yogis, Sufis and Free Mystics of an "advanced" order is in fact the Wholeness of the primordial "beginning," which manifests itself in nature as the Inseparable Oneness of the Alpha and the Omega. In man, it is the Nature of the Soul.
This is the Science of Spirituality. All of us are born with the potential to find "IT." From time to time, a rare enlightened being finds this "That"-ness in his own self. To this end--to seek to find the "nature" of our "soul"--we are all born. In "IT" we must live and die. For, ultimately, there's no you, them or I.