There is a basic fundamental reason why freedom cannot flourish as long as people are allowed to create fake money.
Take a look at the way the hidden tax of inflation has warped our view of the world. The first chart is of the Consumer Price Index.
For years every raise that came, I thought I was getting ahead. Looking at this chart I can see I was sadly mistaken.
Take the stock market and the feeding frenzy there.
Over the years the news has said that because of this, or that, the market responded up or down. Never once did they tell us that it went up because the value of money went down because someone in the government decided to print money it didn't have, and deflated the value of the real hard-earned money people had in their pockets or in their savings accounts.
Now take for instance the new push by those that have no money wanting to redefine the health care system. The people that have money have done their best, despite the interference of others, to create the system we now have. We pay cash or use insurance. It has been brought about in large part with real hard earned money.
Those who don't have any money have started the presses rolling to get money to their front organizations to sell us on their new plan. The president says the new plan will cover every one. That will be quite a burden on those few left working to foot the bill, especially with open borders. It will be quite a score for those that run organizations like the Federal Reserve or those that owe their jobs to obedience to lobby groups or others.
Inflation created with fiat money is a hidden tax. Not only have we been burdened with all of the other taxes (businesses don't pay taxes they only pass them on to consumers) we have also been burdened with a lot of new rules.
Is it any wonder it is no longer profitable, to try and be profitable, and so many have left work and went home?