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A concerned citizen.
I floated down the Current River once with my Uncle, Cousin, a Judge, and some other Friends. It was one of the best times in my life, just going along the way the river was flowing, an occasional rapid but by in large an easy restful trip.
Many years later and I find I'm being carried along on life's river. The current that carries us is created by counterfeit money. The honest money we earn offers no strength to alter our course. If we do make any headway in a direction of our choosing, once again the fake money presses are fired up to block our course.
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 23, 2014 "Is the Stock Market Ready to Collapse?"
It doesn't seem to me the breaking point of the stock market is what we have to worry about. I see the problem as being the breaking point of the people.
SHARE Friday, February 1, 2013 Happy days are here again???
This may help you understand some on the intricacies of the financial crisis we are in, by ignoring them by getting down to some of the basics.